UCHealth strongly encourages you to contact a financial counselor at 970.495.7222 to discuss payment options prior to receiving a health care service from a UCHealth facility, since prices for health care services posted on this site may not reflect the actual amount of your financial responsibility.

The pricing information on this site reflects the typical price for uninsured or self-pay patients for hospital services. All prices posted on this site already reflect the hospital’s uninsured discount. The prices do not reflect additional financial assistance discounts which patients may be eligible for.

In most cases, physicians providing you with services related to your hospital stay or visit will bill you separately.

Pricing information by hospital and center

UCHealth Broomfield Hospital
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
OBS ROOMHospital observation per hr (Observation of patient by providers, cost by hour)CPT G0378$55
STERILE SUPPLYVarious supplies needed for surgery such as instruments, gauze or towels.*CPT A4649$176-$739
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc w/auto diff wbc (Complete blood count with count of types of cells by machine)CPT 85025$84-$89
LABORATORYRoutine blood sample drawnCPT 36415$9-$75
SUPPLY IMPLANTSAnchor/screw bn/bn -tis/bn (Use of an anchor or screw to secure a bone to bone or soft tissue to bone fixation)CPT C1713$330-$3,204
LAB CHEMISTRYComprehen metabolic panel (Full panel of blood tests with at least 14 measurements)CPT 80053$229-$243
LAB CHEMISTRYMetabolic panel total ca (Basic panel of blood tests with at least 8 measures including calcium)CPT 80048$120
IV THERAPYHydrate IV infusion add-on (IV drip for additional hour)CPT 96361$99
EKG ECGElectrocardiogram (EKG) Heart tracingCPT 93005$224-$274
IV THERAPYTx/pro/dx inj same drug adon (Another dose of a medicine given before by IV into a vein)CPT 96375$99
IV THERAPYTher/proph/diag inj iv push (Single dose or first dose of medicine by IV into a vein)CPT 96374$141
LAB UROLOGYUrinalysis auto w/scope (Urine test by machine with microscope)CPT 81001$81
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay glucose blood quant (Blood glucose or blood sugar test except with testing on paper strip)CPT 82947$48-$55
LABORATORYAssay of troponin quant (Blood test to measure troponin level to check for heart muscle damage as with a heart attack)CPT 84484$80-$107
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay thyroid stim hormone (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - TSH- blood test)CPT 84443$184
CT SCAN BODYCT abd and pelv w/contrast (CAT scan of belly and hip area using IV dye)CPT 74177$4,734
LAB CHEMISTRYLipid panel (blood test for cholesterol levels)CPT 80061$95-$130
LAB UROLOGYUrine pregnancy testCPT 81025$79
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay of lipase (Lipase level as blood test of pancreas)CPT 83690$112
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc automated (Complete blood count by machine)CPT 85027$78
PHYSICAL THERPTherapeutic activities (Activities intended to improve functioning of patient)CPT 97530$90
DX XRAY CHESTChest X-Ray with 1 view from the frontCPT 71045$240
MED SURG SUPPLIESVarious instruments needed for surgery such as scissors or clamps.CPT A4550$750-$2,328
IV THERAPYIV drip for treatment, prevention or diagnosing a problem. First IV, lasting up to 1 hourCPT 96365$116-$189
TREATMENT ROOMTher/proph/diag inj sc/im (Medicine or substance given into skin or into muscle as a shot)CPT 96372$75

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

When a patient visits an emergency department, facilities charge an emergency department fee to pay for the patient’s care. This fee provides for the nurses, staff, pharmacists, security, equipment, and other things the patient needs in the ER as well as the cost of keeping these services available 24 hours a day. The fee does not provide for the doctor or additional tests and treatments. These are billed separately. UCHealth follows American College of Emergency Physicians guidelines for emergency department coding. Patients who need a higher level of care will be charged a higher facility fee. A level 1 or 2 emergency department fee might be charged for a very minor or simple condition like a minor viral infection or minor skin rash that requires little to no time in an ER, no tests or treatments and no prescription. Often, these conditions can be best cared for in an urgent care or primary care location. A level 4 or level 5 emergency department fee may be charged for a medical condition that requires multiple tests and screenings to diagnose and/or complex care to address. Codes and prices represent the care, tests and treatments needed by the patient, not the resulting diagnosis. For example, a patient who has a serious headache might need advanced care and screenings to rule out a stroke or other potentially serious or life threatening conditions and thus be assessed at a level 4 or level 5, even if the resulting diagnosis is minor. A patient who presents with chest pain might need tests and screenings to rule out a heart attack and receive a level 4 or level 5 bill even if he or she is determined to not be experiencing a heart attack. The federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) requires that we provide a medical screening examination to rule out an emergency medical condition, and provide stabilizing treatment if one does exist, to all patients who come to the emergency department, regardless of their ability to pay or their insurance status.

UCHealth Broomfield Hospital
Emergency Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
ERLevel 1 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems usually self-limiting or minor)CPT 99281$241
ERLevel 2 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are low to moderate severity)CPT 99282$454
ERLevel 3 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are moderate severity)CPT 99283$886
ERLevel 4 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity but do not pose a threat to life or function)CPT 99284$2,044
ERLevel 5 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity and pose an immediate threat to life or function)CPT 99285$3,019

UCHealth Broomfield Hospital
Inpatient Services

Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price* Length of Stay*
AFTERCARE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM CONNECTIVE TISSUE W CC (Follow up care for muscle, bones or connective tissue issues with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 560$17,350-$32,5517-12 days
Follow up care in the hospital after surgery or an injury with complications or conditions or with major complications or conditionMS-DRG 949$17,984-$35,1567-13 days
DEGENERATIVE NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS W/O MCC (Nervous system disorder with gradual loss of function without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 57$20,134-$41,7179-16 days
AFTERCARE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM CONNECTIVE TISSUE W/O CC/MCC (Disease or disorder of the muscles, bones or connective (tissue that supports organs and bones) without complications or conditions or without major complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 561$16,069-$25,4677-11 days
Follow up care in the hospital after surgery or an injury without complications or conditions or without major complications or conditionMS-DRG 950$17,046-$28,1997-12 days
CELLULITIS W/O MCC (Deep bacterial skin infection without serious complications)MS-DRG 603$9,439-$16,5692-4 days
MAJOR JOINT REPLACEMENT OR REATTACHMENT OF LOWER EXTREMITY W/O MCC (Major joint replacment or reattaching of leg or part of leg without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 470$32,722-$40,0722-3 days
DEGENERATIVE NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS W MCC (Disease or disorder of the nervous system (regulates and coordinates body activities) which are due to a loss in the function or structure of neurons (cells that send commands to muscles) of the brain or spinal cord that continues to get worse with major complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 56$19,987-$35,0958.5-14 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W MCC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 193$11,504-$19,0763-4 days
KIDNEY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS W/O MCC (Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 690$9,007-$14,7592-4 days
AFTERCARE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM CONNECTIVE TISSUE W MCC (Disease or disorder of the muscles, bones or connective (tissue that supports organs and bones) with major complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 559$31,616-$53,99810-21 days
DISORDERS OF PANCREAS EXCEPT MALIGNANCY W CC (Diseases of the Pancreas except cancer with complications and conditions)MS-DRG 439$12,537-$20,0922-4 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W CC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 194$8,156-$17,6651-3 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours with major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 871$13,825-$26,4102.75-5.75 days
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O MCC (Alcohol, drug abuse or dependence without rehab treatment and without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 897$9,120-$15,7132-3.5 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W/O MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours without major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 872$8,980-$19,0242-4 days
MAJOR JOINT/LIMB REATTACHMENT PROCEDURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES (Major joint replacment or reattaching of arm or part of arm)MS-DRG 483$36,662-$46,4461 day
KIDNEY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS W MCC (Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 689$18,260-$29,9593.5-6.5 days
MISC DISORDERS OF NUTRITION METABOLISM FLUIDS/ELECTROLYTES W/O MCC (Miscellanous disorders affecting breakdown of food into energy without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 641$6,811-$15,0701.5-4 days
RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS INFLAMMATIONS W MCC (Infection or inflammation in the lungs (such as pneumonia) with serious complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 177$11,328-$28,7553.5-6 days
DIABETES W CC (Diabetes or high blood sugars with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 638$12,672-$40,9562.25-15.25 days
REVISION OF HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT WITH CC (Removal of or repair of man made device for hip or knee with complications and conditions.)MS-DRG 467$21,780-$45,9921-4.5 days
BRONCHITIS ASTHMA W CC/MCC (inflammation of airways for breathing with complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 202$8,215-$13,8862-3 days
Admitted to the hospital for illness of the respiratory system (lungs or breathing) caused by bacteria, virus or other germs with inflammation (the body's way of protecting itself from these germs that causes redness and swelling) with complications and conditions (other illness or disease).MS-DRG 178$9,035-$19,8092-3.5 days

* Price and length-of-stay ranges represent 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Cherry Creek Surgery Center
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
GASTR INTS SVSColonoscopy w/lesion removal (Camera with light passed through the rectum to take pictures of the intestines, with a polyp taken by snare technique for testing.)CPT 45385$1,117
GASTR INTS SVSColonoscopy and biopsy (Camera with light passed through the rectum to take pictures of the intestines, a tissue sample is taken for testing.)CPT 45380$1,117
GASTR INTS SVSDiagnostic colonoscopy (Camera with light passed through the rectum to take pictures of the intestines to diagnose a problem, a tissue sample may or may not be taken for testing.)CPT 45378$1,031
GASTR INTS SVSEGD biopsy single/multiple (Camera with light passed through the mouth to take pictures of the stomach, swallowing tube and beginning of the small intestines as needed, tissue sample taken)CPT 43239$1,031
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONResect inferior turbinate (Partial or complete removal of soft tissue of one the long thin bones on the inside of the nose)CPT 30140$2,948
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to fix the wall in the nose that is between the nostrilsCPT 30520$2,948
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONThe use of fat taken from the patient's own body by liposuction and placed in another part of the body to fill in a soft tissue defect. This refers to the injections after the first injection in amounts of about 50 ccs (less than 2 ounces).CPT 15772$473
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to cut the carpal ligament (thick tissue at the wrist) to allow more space for the carpal nerve to move.CPT 64721$1,892
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONA small tube with a camera at the end of it is placed into the largest sinus cavity (air filled holes in the bones of the face). Area is examined and sample of tissue taken out or cleaned.CPT 31267$6,275
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONRepair of nasal blockage that makes breathing difficult through the nose.CPT 30465$5,480
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONExam to see the inside of the bladder and urethra (tubes that carry urine away from bladder) using a scope. Any stones are shattered with sound waves and removed.CPT 52356$4,754
GASTR INTS SVSColonoscopy submucous njx (Camera with light passed through the rectum to take pictures of the intestines with injection given into tissue)CPT 45381$1,117
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONThe esophagus (swallowing tube), stomach, duodenum (top of the small intestine), are viewed to find if bleeding, tumors, erosions, ulcers, or other problems are present. A sample of tissue may be taken by brushing or washing the esophageal lining with saline and removing the fluid.CPT 43235$1,031
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONProcedure on the head using computer assistance to find the exact location.CPT 61782$473
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery procedure to look down the throat using a small camera. A tumor is removed and vocal cords may be "stripped" (outer layer of skin on vocal cords is removed) or even removed.. May be used to treat laryngeal cancer.CPT 31541$3,338
TREATMENT ROOMA camera at the end of a hollow tube is passed into the esophagus before a guide wire is placed. This wire guides the placing of dialators that get larger in size and used to stretch the esophagus.CPT 43248$1,031
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to cut the tendon sheath of the finger or thumb, allowing the tendon to move easily through the sheath (holds the tendon close to the finger bone).CPT 26055$1,501
TREATMENT ROOMA camera at the end of a hollow tube is passed into the esophagus to see the larynx (voice box) and an injection (shot) is given to help the vocal chords close correctly.CPT 31571$3,338
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONAlso known as a lumpectomy, the doctor removes the cancerous tumor with a rim of normal tissue to cut beyond the border that might have cancer cells.CPT 19301$3,403
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONThe doctor places a tube with a camera at the end into the nose and sinus area to see and examine the area. A tissue sample is removed to be examined.CPT 31253$6,275
GASTR INTS SVSTesting to see if cancer is present in someone without many risks. A camera at the end of a tube is passed into the large intestine to take pictures and look for polyps (growths).CPT G0121$1,031
OR MINORThe doctor examines the uterus using a thin, lighted tube with a camera that is placed into the vagina to examine the cervix and inside of the uterus. Tissue sample may be taken or lining of uterus may be removed.CPT 58558$2,827
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONReduction Mammoplasty takes out fat, tissue and skin from the breast. May be done to relieve pain or improve appearance.CPT 19318$5,963
GASTR INTS SVSEsoph EGD dilation <30 mm (Camera with a light is passed through the mouth to the stomach and beginning of small intestine to examine the stomach and swallowing tube. Swallowing tube is enlarged with balloon less than 30 mm in diameter)CPT 43249$1,750
GASTR INTS SVSTest done with a camera with light passed through the rectum to take pictures of the intestines in someone with a higher than normal risk for having disease.CPT G0105$1,031

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Grandview Hospital
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
STERILE SUPPLYVarious supplies needed for surgery such as instruments, gauze or towels.*CPT A4649$198-$844
LABORATORYRoutine blood sample drawnCPT 36415$10-$85
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc w/auto diff wbc (Complete blood count with count of types of cells by machine)CPT 85025$95-$100
OBS ROOMHospital observation per hr (Observation of patient by providers, cost by hour)CPT G0378$62
LAB CHEMISTRYComprehen metabolic panel (Full panel of blood tests with at least 14 measurements)CPT 80053$258-$274
LAB CHEMISTRYMetabolic panel total ca (Basic panel of blood tests with at least 8 measures including calcium)CPT 80048$135
SUPPLY IMPLANTSAnchor/screw bn/bn -tis/bn (Use of an anchor or screw to secure a bone to bone or soft tissue to bone fixation)CPT C1713$399-$3,178
IV THERAPYHydrate IV infusion add-on (IV drip for additional hour)CPT 96361$111
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay thyroid stim hormone (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - TSH- blood test)CPT 84443$207
LAB CHEMISTRYLipid panel (blood test for cholesterol levels)CPT 80061$107-$146
IV THERAPYTx/pro/dx inj same drug adon (Another dose of a medicine given before by IV into a vein)CPT 96375$112
IV THERAPYTher/proph/diag inj iv push (Single dose or first dose of medicine by IV into a vein)CPT 96374$159
EKG ECGElectrocardiogram (EKG) Heart tracingCPT 93005$251-$308
LAB UROLOGYUrinalysis auto w/scope (Urine test by machine with microscope)CPT 81001$91
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay glucose blood quant (Blood glucose or blood sugar test except with testing on paper strip)CPT 82947$53-$62
LABORATORYAssay of troponin quant (Blood test to measure troponin level to check for heart muscle damage as with a heart attack)CPT 84484$91-$120
LAB CHEMISTRYHepatic function panel (Liver Function blood test)CPT 80076$110-$117
PHYSICAL THERPTherapy for help with walking (may include stair training as well)CPT 97116$106
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay of lipase (Lipase level as blood test of pancreas)CPT 83690$127
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc automated (Complete blood count by machine)CPT 85027$88
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay of free thyroxine (Blood test to measure thyroid hormone levels)CPT 84439$62-$130
DX XRAY CHESTChest X-Ray with 1 view from the frontCPT 71045$270
CT SCAN BODYCT abd and pelv w/contrast (CAT scan of belly and hip area using IV dye)CPT 74177$5,325
PHYSICAL THERPTherapeutic activities (Activities intended to improve functioning of patient)CPT 97530$101
LAB CHEMISTRYVitamin B-12 shotCPT 82607$141

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

When a patient visits an emergency department, facilities charge an emergency department fee to pay for the patient’s care. This fee provides for the nurses, staff, pharmacists, security, equipment, and other things the patient needs in the ER as well as the cost of keeping these services available 24 hours a day. The fee does not provide for the doctor or additional tests and treatments. These are billed separately.

UCHealth follows American College of Emergency Physicians guidelines for emergency department coding. Patients who need a higher level of care will be charged a higher facility fee. A level 1 or 2 emergency department fee might be charged for a very minor or simple condition like a minor viral infection or minor skin rash that requires little to no time in an ER, no tests or treatments and no prescription. Often, these conditions can be best cared for in an urgent care or primary care location. A level 4 or level 5 emergency department fee may be charged for a medical condition that requires multiple tests and screenings to diagnose and/or complex care to address.

Codes and prices represent the care, tests and treatments needed by the patient, not the resulting diagnosis. For example, a patient who has a serious headache might need advanced care and screenings to rule out a stroke or other potentially serious or life threatening conditions and thus be assessed at a level 4 or level 5, even if the resulting diagnosis is minor. A patient who presents with chest pain might need tests and screenings to rule out a heart attack and receive a level 4 or level 5 bill even if he or she is determined to not be experiencing a heart attack. The federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) requires that we provide a medical screening examination to rule out an emergency medical condition, and provide stabilizing treatment if one does exist, to all patients who come to the emergency department, regardless of their ability to pay or their insurance status.

UCHealth Grandview Hospital
Emergency Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
ERLevel 1 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems usually self-limiting or minor)CPT 99281$271
ERLevel 2 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are low to moderate severity)CPT 99282$510
ERLevel 3 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are moderate severity)CPT 99283$997
ERLevel 4 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity but do not pose a threat to life or function)CPT 99284$2,300
ERLevel 5 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity and pose an immediate threat to life or function)CPT 99285$3,397

UCHealth Grandview Hospital
Inpatient Services

Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price* Length of Stay*
MAJOR JOINT REPLACEMENT OR REATTACHMENT OF LOWER EXTREMITY W/O MCC (Major joint replacment or reattaching of leg or part of leg without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 470$37,927-$44,4981-2 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W MCC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 193$11,601-$23,1782-4 days
REVISION OF HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT W/O CC/MCC (Operation to take out implant of hip or knee and replace with a new one without complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 468$39,492-$76,0811-2 days
CELLULITIS W/O MCC (Deep bacterial skin infection without serious complications)MS-DRG 603$8,897-$15,6182-3.5 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours with major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 871$14,511-$28,2042-4.5 days
RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS INFLAMMATIONS W MCC (Infection or inflammation in the lungs (such as pneumonia) with serious complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 177$14,278-$25,7352-4 days
BILATERAL OR MULTIPLE MAJOR JOINT PROCS OF LOWER EXTREMITY W/O MCC (Procedures of both legs or several large joints of the legs without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 462$59,218-$65,1682-3 days
DIABETES W CC (Diabetes or high blood sugars with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 638$10,620-$17,0041-2.75 days
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O MCC (Alcohol, drug abuse or dependence without rehab treatment and without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 897$10,946-$16,0052-4.25 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W CC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 194$8,330-$17,5182-3 days
KIDNEY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS W/O MCC (Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 690$8,632-$19,1382-3.75 days
DISORDERS OF PANCREAS EXCEPT MALIGNANCY W CC (Diseases of the Pancreas except cancer with complications and conditions)MS-DRG 439$6,772-$25,6842-3 days
RENAL FAILURE W CC (Kidney failure with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 683$13,780-$26,3752-6.25 days
MISC DISORDERS OF NUTRITION METABOLISM FLUIDS/ELECTROLYTES W/O MCC (Miscellanous disorders affecting breakdown of food into energy without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 641$8,776-$15,0821-3.5 days
REVISION OF HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT WITH CC (Removal of or repair of man made device for hip or knee with complications and conditions.)MS-DRG 467$36,719-$81,5431.5-3 days

* Price and length-of-stay ranges represent 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Greeley Hospital
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
OBS ROOMHospital observation per hr (Observation of patient by providers, cost by hour)CPT G0378$76
LABORATORYRoutine blood sample drawnCPT 36415$31-$124
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc w/auto diff wbc (Complete blood count with count of types of cells by machine)CPT 85025$47
LAB CHEMISTRYComprehen metabolic panel (Full panel of blood tests with at least 14 measurements)CPT 80053$53
IV THERAPYHydrate IV infusion add-on (IV drip for additional hour)CPT 96361$145
LAB CHEMISTRYMetabolic panel total ca (Basic panel of blood tests with at least 8 measures including calcium)CPT 80048$43
IV THERAPYTx/pro/dx inj same drug adon (Another dose of a medicine given before by IV into a vein)CPT 96375$106
STERILE SUPPLYVarious supplies needed for surgery such as instruments, gauze or towels.*CPT A4649$235-$1,630
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay thyroid stim hormone (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - TSH- blood test)CPT 84443$88
LAB CHEMISTRYLipid panel (blood test for cholesterol levels)CPT 80061$74-$131
IV THERAPYTher/proph/diag inj iv push (Single dose or first dose of medicine by IV into a vein)CPT 96374$148
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc automated (Complete blood count by machine)CPT 85027$35
EKG ECGElectrocardiogram (EKG) Heart tracingCPT 93005$155
LAB UROLOGYUrinalysis auto w/scope (Urine test by machine with microscope)CPT 81001$39
LABORATORYAssay of troponin quant (Blood test to measure troponin level to check for heart muscle damage as with a heart attack)CPT 84484$56-$76
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay glucose blood quant (Blood glucose or blood sugar test except with testing on paper strip)CPT 82947$22-$60
LAB HEMATOLOGYProthrombin time (Protime test or INR for checking levels of the factors in blood that allow clotting)CPT 85610$12-$30
DX XRAY CHESTChest X-Ray with 1 view from the frontCPT 71045$294
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay of magnesium (Blood test to measure magnesium levels which helps control blood sugar level and immune system)CPT 83735$34-$44
LAB BACT MICROLab test to diagnose 4 viruses at once: severe acute respiratory syndrome COVID 2, Influenza A, Influenza B or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).CPT 0241U$251
LAB IMMUNOLOGYC-reactive protein (Blood test to check for inflammation in the body)CPT 86140$48
TREATMENT ROOMTher/proph/diag inj sc/im (Medicine or substance given into skin or into muscle as a shot)CPT 96372$90
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay of lipase (Lipase level as blood test of pancreas)CPT 83690$74
CT SCAN BODYCT abd and pelv w/contrast (CAT scan of belly and hip area using IV dye)CPT 74177$3,613
LAB CHEMISTRYVitamin d 25 hydroxy (Vitamin D level blood test)CPT 82306$167

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

When a patient visits an emergency department, facilities charge an emergency department fee to pay for the patient’s care. This fee provides for the nurses, staff, pharmacists, security, equipment, and other things the patient needs in the ER as well as the cost of keeping these services available 24 hours a day. The fee does not provide for the doctor or additional tests and treatments. These are billed separately.

UCHealth follows American College of Emergency Physicians guidelines for emergency department coding. Patients who need a higher level of care will be charged a higher facility fee. A level 1 or 2 emergency department fee might be charged for a very minor or simple condition like a minor viral infection or minor skin rash that requires little to no time in an ER, no tests or treatments and no prescription. Often, these conditions can be best cared for in an urgent care or primary care location. A level 4 or level 5 emergency department fee may be charged for a medical condition that requires multiple tests and screenings to diagnose and/or complex care to address.

Codes and prices represent the care, tests and treatments needed by the patient, not the resulting diagnosis. For example, a patient who has a serious headache might need advanced care and screenings to rule out a stroke or other potentially serious or life threatening conditions and thus be assessed at a level 4 or level 5, even if the resulting diagnosis is minor. A patient who presents with chest pain might need tests and screenings to rule out a heart attack and receive a level 4 or level 5 bill even if he or she is determined to not be experiencing a heart attack. The federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) requires that we provide a medical screening examination to rule out an emergency medical condition, and provide stabilizing treatment if one does exist, to all patients who come to the emergency department, regardless of their ability to pay or their insurance status.

UCHealth Greeley Hospital
Emergency Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
ERLevel 1 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems usually self-limiting or minor)CPT 99281$247
ERLevel 2 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are low to moderate severity)CPT 99282$427
ERLevel 3 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are moderate severity)CPT 99283$730
ERLevel 4 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity but do not pose a threat to life or function)CPT 99284$1,052
ERLevel 5 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity and pose an immediate threat to life or function)CPT 99285$2,056

UCHealth Greeley Hospital
Inpatient Services

Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price* Length of Stay*
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery and without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 807$11,659-$15,2131-2 days
Normal NewbornMS-DRG 795$1,573-$2,6791-2 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours with major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 871$23,467-$50,0503-7 days
NEONATE W OTHER SIGNIFICANT PROBLEMS (newborn baby with serious sickness)MS-DRG 794$2,121-$3,5961-2 days
HEART FAILURE SHOCK W MCC (The heart is unable to pump enough blood to the body, this causes shock to happen with serious complications and conditions)MS-DRG 291$19,619-$38,7333-7 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITH CC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 806$12,558-$17,7252-3 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 788$13,732-$20,2772-3 days
RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS INFLAMMATIONS W MCC (Infection or inflammation in the lungs (such as pneumonia) with serious complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 177$20,926-$47,4272-7 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W MCC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 193$17,617-$35,0723-5 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W/O MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours without major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 872$15,956-$32,0852-5 days
FULL TERM NEONATE W MAJOR PROBLEMS (Full term baby with serious complications)MS-DRG 793$3,476-$6,7661-3 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITH CC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 787$16,129-$24,2852-4 days
CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE W MCC (Group of long term lung diseases such as bronchitis or emphysema that block airflow and make it hard to breathe, with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 190$18,539-$36,7393-5.75 days
ESOPHAGITIS GASTROENT MISC DIGEST DISORDERS W/O MCC (Inflammation of the swallowing tube or stomach or other problems with digestion without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 392$15,848-$25,7282-4 days
MAJOR SMALL LARGE BOWEL PROCEDURES W CC (Major procedure on small and large intestines with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 330$47,864-$78,7803-7 days
MISC DISORDERS OF NUTRITION METABOLISM FLUIDS/ELECTROLYTES W MCC (Miscellanous disorders affecting breakdown of food into energy with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 640$21,285-$37,6972-8 days
DIABETES W CC (Diabetes or high blood sugars with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 638$16,171-$30,1042-4 days
MAJOR SMALL LARGE BOWEL PROCEDURES W/O CC/MCC (Major procedure on small and large intestines without complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 331$43,368-$62,5772.25-4 days
MISC DISORDERS OF NUTRITION METABOLISM FLUIDS/ELECTROLYTES W/O MCC (Miscellanous disorders affecting breakdown of food into energy without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 641$14,010-$28,1852-4 days
G.I. HEMORRHAGE W CC (Excessive bleeding in the stomach or bowels with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 378$19,561-$31,7292-4 days
KIDNEY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS W/O MCC (Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 690$13,638-$21,2532-3.5 days
RENAL FAILURE W CC (Kidney failure with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 683$15,658-$22,6832-4 days
DISORDERS OF PANCREAS EXCEPT MALIGNANCY W CC (Diseases of the Pancreas except cancer with complications and conditions)MS-DRG 439$13,475-$31,5462-5 days
PERC CARDIOVASC PROC W DRUG-ELUTING STENT W/O MCC (heart procedure done through the skin and placing a stent to support the vessel that gives off medicine without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 247$47,769-$57,6891-2 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY W O.R. PROC EXCEPT STERIL /OR DC (Delivery of baby by vaginal birth that includes a procedure in the Operating Room but not having "tubes tied" (sterilization) - or a D&C (clears lining of uterus))MS-DRG 768$15,245-$20,6792-3 days
PERC CARDIOVASC PROC W DRUG-ELUTING STENT W MCC OR 4+ VESSELS/STENTS (heart procedure done through the skin and placing a stent to support the vessel that gives off medicine with major complications or conditions or in 4 or more vessels or using 4 or more stents)MS-DRG 246$53,511-$91,3552-4 days
PREMATURITY W/O MAJOR PROBLEMS (Baby born too early but without major problems)MS-DRG 792$3,500-$6,1222-3 days
PULMONARY EDEMA RESPIRATORY FAILURE (a build up of fluid in the lungs and not enough oxygen getting to the blood from the lungs)MS-DRG 189$19,942-$29,5432.75-5 days
RENAL FAILURE W MCC (Kidney failure with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 682$24,814-$42,5733.5-6.5 days
CELLULITIS W/O MCC (Deep bacterial skin infection without serious complications)MS-DRG 603$16,016-$30,0613-5 days
INFECTIOUS PARASITIC DISEASES W O.R. PROCEDURE W MCC (Infectious disease from a parasite with Operating Room procedure with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 853$62,774-$137,2296-13 days
HIP FEMUR PROCEDURES EXCEPT MAJOR JOINT W CC (Procedure on hip or thigh but not a major joint with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 481$44,710-$56,6344-7 days
Complicated procedures on either the small or large intestine with major complications or conditionsMS-DRG 329$63,916-$107,4836-11 days
KIDNEY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS W MCC (Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 689$19,495-$25,3933-7 days
PREMATURITY W MAJOR PROBLEMS (Baby born too early with major problems)MS-DRG 791$6,660-$35,6823-16 days
INFECTIOUS PARASITIC DISEASES W O.R. PROCEDURE W CC (Disease from a parasite (living things that use other living things like your body for food and a place to live) that is infectious (caused by germs) and makes you sick and needs a procedure in the Operating Room with complications and conditions.)MS-DRG 854$32,910-$51,8563-6 days
POISONING TOXIC EFFECTS OF DRUGS W MCC (Effects from drugs that are poison-like or causing harm with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 917$18,148-$49,3272-5 days
OTHER KIDNEY URINARY TRACT DIAGNOSES W MCC (Other type of Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 698$24,980-$42,0384-7.5 days
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O MCC (Alcohol, drug abuse or dependence without rehab treatment and without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 897$14,793-$23,3952-4.75 days
LAPAROSCOPIC CHOLECYSTECTOMY W/O C.D.E. W CC (Gallbladder taken out using a thin, lighted tube that lets the doctor see inside your belly. 4 small cuts are made in the belly area. The scope is placed in 1 of them and the gallbladder is taken out. No dye is used to look at the common bile duct for stones with complications or other conditions).MS-DRG 418$36,325-$52,7422.25-4.75 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W CC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 194$13,050-$19,2972-3 days
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W MCC (A disease that makes one crave alcohol or drugs and have to drink more to get the same feelings. Causes problems at work or in the family or school. No Rehab services used with serious complications or conditions).MS-DRG 896$17,837-$59,5992-9 days
BRONCHITIS ASTHMA W CC/MCC (inflammation of airways for breathing with complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 202$13,512-$25,1332-4 days
CIRRHOSIS AND ALCOHOLIC HEPATITIS WITH MCC (Inflammation of the liver caused by drinking alcohol (alcoholic hepatitis) and late stage of scarring (fibrosis) of the liver (cirrhosis) with major complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 432$26,370-$52,8333-9 days
INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE OR CEREBRAL INFARCTION W CC OR TPA IN 24 HRS (Stroke caused by either bleeding or a blood clot with complications or conditions or needing a "clot buster" in 24 hours of admission)MS-DRG 65$18,947-$35,1102-6 days
Bleeding in the digestive tract (stomach, intestines, colon, rectum or anus) with major complications and conditionsMS-DRG 377$19,750-$45,5802-4.5 days
POSTPARTUM POST ABORTION DIAGNOSES W/O O.R. PROCEDURE (Disease or disorder after birth or loss of baby without a procedure in the Operating Room.)MS-DRG 776$9,163-$14,0302 days
DISORDERS OF PANCREAS EXCEPT MALIGNANCY W MCC (Disease of the pancreas (except cancer) with major complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 438$25,362-$41,2943-5 days
CARDUIAC ARRHYTHMIA & CONDUCTION DISORDERS W MCC (Improper beating of the heart, may be irregular, too fast, or too slow and disorder of how electrical signals travel through the heart with serious complications)MS-DRG 308$27,476-$47,9183.5-7.5 days

* Price and length-of-stay ranges represent 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Highlands Ranch Hospital
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
OBS ROOMHospital observation per hr (Observation of patient by providers, cost by hour)CPT G0378$48
STERILE SUPPLYVarious supplies needed for surgery such as instruments, gauze or towels.*CPT A4649$224-$735
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc w/auto diff wbc (Complete blood count with count of types of cells by machine)CPT 85025$74-$78
LAB CHEMISTRYComprehen metabolic panel (Full panel of blood tests with at least 14 measurements)CPT 80053$201-$213
IV THERAPYHydrate IV infusion add-on (IV drip for additional hour)CPT 96361$87
LABORATORYRoutine blood sample drawnCPT 36415$8-$66
LAB CHEMISTRYMetabolic panel total ca (Basic panel of blood tests with at least 8 measures including calcium)CPT 80048$105
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay glucose blood quant (Blood glucose or blood sugar test except with testing on paper strip)CPT 82947$42-$48
PATHOL HYSTOLTissue exam by pathologist (Tissue sample examined by doctor (pathologist) for diagnosis)CPT 88305$259
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay thyroid stim hormone (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - TSH- blood test)CPT 84443$161
EKG ECGElectrocardiogram (EKG) Heart tracingCPT 93005$196-$239
LAB CHEMISTRYLipid panel (blood test for cholesterol levels)CPT 80061$83-$114
IV THERAPYTx/pro/dx inj same drug adon (Another dose of a medicine given before by IV into a vein)CPT 96375$87
LAB CHEMISTRYGlycosylated hemoglobin test (Hemoglobin A1C blood test for diabetes - this gives your average blood sugar level for 3 months)CPT 83036$70-$77
IV THERAPYTher/proph/diag inj iv push (Single dose or first dose of medicine by IV into a vein)CPT 96374$124
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc automated (Complete blood count by machine)CPT 85027$69
LABORATORYAssay of troponin quant (Blood test to measure troponin level to check for heart muscle damage as with a heart attack)CPT 84484$70-$93
LAB UROLOGYUrinalysis auto w/scope (Urine test by machine with microscope)CPT 81001$70
CT SCAN BODYCT abd and pelv w/contrast (CAT scan of belly and hip area using IV dye)CPT 74177$4,142
IV THERAPYTx/pro/dx inj same drug adon (Another dose of a medicine or substance given before by IV into a vein)CPT 96376$77
SUPPLY IMPLANTSAnchor/screw bn/bn -tis/bn (Use of an anchor or screw to secure a bone to bone or soft tissue to bone fixation)CPT C1713$388-$3,410
DX XRAY CHESTChest X-Ray with 1 view from the frontCPT 71045$210
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay of magnesium (Blood test to measure magnesium levels which helps control blood sugar level and immune system)CPT 83735$26-$57
TREATMENT ROOMTaking a blood sample from a central venous access device. These are small, flexible tubes placed in large veins (often in the neck) for people who need access to the bloodstream often.CPT 36591$65
LAB HEMATOLOGYProthrombin time (Protime test or INR for checking levels of the factors in blood that allow clotting)CPT 85610$14-$51

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

When a patient visits an emergency department, facilities charge an emergency department fee to pay for the patient’s care. This fee provides for the nurses, staff, pharmacists, security, equipment, and other things the patient needs in the ER as well as the cost of keeping these services available 24 hours a day. The fee does not provide for the doctor or additional tests and treatments. These are billed separately.

UCHealth follows American College of Emergency Physicians guidelines for emergency department coding. Patients who need a higher level of care will be charged a higher facility fee. A level 1 or 2 emergency department fee might be charged for a very minor or simple condition like a minor viral infection or minor skin rash that requires little to no time in an ER, no tests or treatments and no prescription. Often, these conditions can be best cared for in an urgent care or primary care location. A level 4 or level 5 emergency department fee may be charged for a medical condition that requires multiple tests and screenings to diagnose and/or complex care to address.

Codes and prices represent the care, tests and treatments needed by the patient, not the resulting diagnosis. For example, a patient who has a serious headache might need advanced care and screenings to rule out a stroke or other potentially serious or life threatening conditions and thus be assessed at a level 4 or level 5, even if the resulting diagnosis is minor. A patient who presents with chest pain might need tests and screenings to rule out a heart attack and receive a level 4 or level 5 bill even if he or she is determined to not be experiencing a heart attack. The federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) requires that we provide a medical screening examination to rule out an emergency medical condition, and provide stabilizing treatment if one does exist, to all patients who come to the emergency department, regardless of their ability to pay or their insurance status.

UCHealth Highlands Ranch Hospital
Emergency Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
ERLevel 1 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems usually self-limiting or minor)CPT 99281$211
ERLevel 2 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are low to moderate severity)CPT 99282$397
ERLevel 3 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are moderate severity)CPT 99283$775
ERLevel 4 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity but do not pose a threat to life or function)CPT 99284$1,789
ERLevel 5 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity and pose an immediate threat to life or function)CPT 99285$2,642

UCHealth Highlands Ranch Hospital
Inpatient Services

Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price* Length of Stay*
Normal NewbornMS-DRG 795$1,445-$2,5401-2 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery and without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 807$6,513-$9,3561-2 days
NEONATE W OTHER SIGNIFICANT PROBLEMS (newborn baby with serious sickness)MS-DRG 794$1,928-$3,1251-2 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours with major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 871$20,223-$43,9803-8 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 788$11,922-$16,1322-3 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITH CC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 806$7,080-$10,2682-3 days
HEART FAILURE SHOCK W MCC (The heart is unable to pump enough blood to the body, this causes shock to happen with serious complications and conditions)MS-DRG 291$15,933-$28,6773-7 days
RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS INFLAMMATIONS W MCC (Infection or inflammation in the lungs (such as pneumonia) with serious complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 177$14,736-$33,1362-7 days
SEIZURES W/O MCC (Seizures without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 101$10,756-$22,5282-4 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W MCC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 193$14,363-$27,0652-6 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITH CC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 787$12,352-$17,1852-4 days
ESOPHAGITIS GASTROENT MISC DIGEST DISORDERS W/O MCC (Inflammation of the swallowing tube or stomach or other problems with digestion without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 392$11,481-$20,6832-4 days
KIDNEY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS W/O MCC (Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 690$12,469-$21,0053-5 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W/O MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours without major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 872$13,775-$23,5973-5 days
MISC DISORDERS OF NUTRITION METABOLISM FLUIDS/ELECTROLYTES W/O MCC (Miscellanous disorders affecting breakdown of food into energy without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 641$12,952-$21,2132-5 days
FULL TERM NEONATE W MAJOR PROBLEMS (Full term baby with serious complications)MS-DRG 793$3,275-$8,5132-4 days
PERC CARDIOVASC PROC W DRUG-ELUTING STENT W/O MCC (heart procedure done through the skin and placing a stent to support the vessel that gives off medicine without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 247$45,104-$62,3722-3 days
EXTREME IMMATURITY OR RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME NEONATE ( Baby born very early or with lungs not mature enough for breathing well)MS-DRG 790$19,013-$62,7806.5-21.5 days
INFECTIOUS PARASITIC DISEASES W O.R. PROCEDURE W MCC (Infectious disease from a parasite with Operating Room procedure with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 853$37,678-$97,1504.25-12.75 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W CC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 194$10,880-$19,3652-4 days
CELLULITIS W/O MCC (Deep bacterial skin infection without serious complications)MS-DRG 603$10,834-$17,1252-4 days
G.I. HEMORRHAGE W CC (Excessive bleeding in the stomach or bowels with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 378$14,025-$25,2682-4 days
DISORDERS OF PANCREAS EXCEPT MALIGNANCY W CC (Diseases of the Pancreas except cancer with complications and conditions)MS-DRG 439$11,907-$23,5402-5 days
MISC DISORDERS OF NUTRITION METABOLISM FLUIDS/ELECTROLYTES W MCC (Miscellanous disorders affecting breakdown of food into energy with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 640$17,154-$36,3703-7 days
DIABETES W CC (Diabetes or high blood sugars with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 638$12,153-$25,2092-4 days
MAJOR HEAD AND NECK PROCEDURES WITH CC (Procedures performed on the head and neck (such as carotid artery, eye or ear) with complications and conditions.)MS-DRG 141$30,233-$58,9093.75-9 days
Admitted to the hospital for illness of the respiratory system (lungs or breathing) caused by bacteria, virus or other germs with inflammation (the body's way of protecting itself from these germs that causes redness and swelling) with complications and conditions (other illness or disease).MS-DRG 178$14,364-$22,4422-4 days
MAJOR JOINT/LIMB REATTACHMENT PROCEDURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES (Major joint replacment or reattaching of arm or part of arm)MS-DRG 483$31,177-$40,0201-2 days
RENAL FAILURE W CC (Kidney failure with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 683$10,821-$21,5402-5.75 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY W O.R. PROC EXCEPT STERIL /OR DC (Delivery of baby by vaginal birth that includes a procedure in the Operating Room but not having "tubes tied" (sterilization) - or a D&C (clears lining of uterus))MS-DRG 768$8,470-$13,0342-3 days
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O MCC (Alcohol, drug abuse or dependence without rehab treatment and without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 897$12,215-$23,4982-5 days
KIDNEY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS W MCC (Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 689$14,678-$26,3573-6 days
PULMONARY EMBOLISM W/O MCC (blood clot in the lungs without serious complications)MS-DRG 176$11,846-$19,5991.5-3 days
OTHER KIDNEY URINARY TRACT DIAGNOSES W MCC (Other type of Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 698$16,677-$29,6003.25-6.75 days
MAJOR SMALL LARGE BOWEL PROCEDURES W CC (Major procedure on small and large intestines with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 330$22,934-$58,1943-6 days
ESOPHAGITIS, GASTROENT & MISC DIGEST DISORDERS W MCC (A condition of the swallowing tube that causes it to become red, swollen or irritated. Other disorders related to digesting food with serious complications or conditions).MS-DRG 391$15,514-$35,0353-7 days
PREMATURITY W/O MAJOR PROBLEMS (Baby born too early but without major problems)MS-DRG 792$2,591-$4,5192-3 days
INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE OR CEREBRAL INFARCTION W CC OR TPA IN 24 HRS (Stroke caused by either bleeding or a blood clot with complications or conditions or needing a "clot buster" in 24 hours of admission)MS-DRG 65$16,012-$29,1102-5.25 days
PULMONARY EMBOLISM W MCC (blood clot in the lungs with serious complications)MS-DRG 175$18,742-$39,6443-7.25 days
CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA CONDUCTION DISORDERS W CC (Heart rhythm problems with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 309$10,487-$17,5561-2.5 days
ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION DISCHARGED ALIVE W MCC (Patient with heart attack discharged alive with serious complications)MS-DRG 280$15,131-$38,7623-5 days
OTHER DIGESTIVE SYSTEM DIAGNOSES W CC (Disorder of the digestive system (organs involved in the process of digesting food) not listed in other codes with complications and conditions.)MS-DRG 394$12,529-$18,5242-4 days
G.I. OBSTRUCTION W CC (Blockage in the bowel with complications and conditions)MS-DRG 389$12,512-$21,8672-5.75 days
PULMONARY EDEMA RESPIRATORY FAILURE (a build up of fluid in the lungs and not enough oxygen getting to the blood from the lungs)MS-DRG 189$17,942-$40,9893-9 days
CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE W MCC (Group of long term lung diseases such as bronchitis or emphysema that block airflow and make it hard to breathe, with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 190$12,936-$22,7662.25-5.75 days
RENAL FAILURE W MCC (Kidney failure with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 682$16,919-$30,9373-6 days
CIRRHOSIS AND ALCOHOLIC HEPATITIS WITH MCC (Inflammation of the liver caused by drinking alcohol (alcoholic hepatitis) and late stage of scarring (fibrosis) of the liver (cirrhosis) with major complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 432$18,102-$66,0263-12 days
G.I. OBSTRUCTION W/O CC/MCC (Blockage in the bowel without complications and conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 390$10,237-$14,0211-3 days
HIP FEMUR PROCEDURES EXCEPT MAJOR JOINT W CC (Procedure on hip or thigh but not a major joint with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 481$26,810-$38,8883-5.25 days
POISONING TOXIC EFFECTS OF DRUGS W MCC (Effects from drugs that are poison-like or causing harm with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 917$13,994-$43,5032-5 days
BRONCHITIS ASTHMA W CC/MCC (inflammation of airways for breathing with complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 202$11,597-$18,6602-4 days

* Price and length-of-stay ranges represent 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Longs Peak Hospital
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
OBS ROOMHospital observation per hr (Observation of patient by providers, cost by hour)CPT G0378$55
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc w/auto diff wbc (Complete blood count with count of types of cells by machine)CPT 85025$84-$89
IV THERAPYHydrate IV infusion add-on (IV drip for additional hour)CPT 96361$99
STERILE SUPPLYVarious supplies needed for surgery such as instruments, gauze or towels.*CPT A4649$186-$994
LABORATORYRoutine blood sample drawnCPT 36415$9-$75
LAB CHEMISTRYComprehen metabolic panel (Full panel of blood tests with at least 14 measurements)CPT 80053$229-$243
PATHOL HYSTOLTissue exam by pathologist (Tissue sample examined by doctor (pathologist) for diagnosis)CPT 88305$296
IV THERAPYTx/pro/dx inj same drug adon (Another dose of a medicine given before by IV into a vein)CPT 96375$99
LAB CHEMISTRYMetabolic panel total ca (Basic panel of blood tests with at least 8 measures including calcium)CPT 80048$120
IV THERAPYTher/proph/diag inj iv push (Single dose or first dose of medicine by IV into a vein)CPT 96374$141
EKG ECGElectrocardiogram (EKG) Heart tracingCPT 93005$224-$274
LABORATORYAssay of troponin quant (Blood test to measure troponin level to check for heart muscle damage as with a heart attack)CPT 84484$80-$107
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay thyroid stim hormone (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - TSH- blood test)CPT 84443$184
DX XRAY CHESTChest X-Ray with 1 view from the frontCPT 71045$240
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc automated (Complete blood count by machine)CPT 85027$78
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay glucose blood quant (Blood glucose or blood sugar test except with testing on paper strip)CPT 82947$48-$55
LAB IMMUNOLOGYC-reactive protein (Blood test to check for inflammation in the body)CPT 86140$39-$71
LAB UROLOGYUrinalysis auto w/scope (Urine test by machine with microscope)CPT 81001$81
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay of lipase (Lipase level as blood test of pancreas)CPT 83690$112
LAB CHEMISTRYVitamin B-12 shotCPT 82607$126
LAB CHEMISTRYLipid panel (blood test for cholesterol levels)CPT 80061$95-$130
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay of ferritin (Blood test to measure amount of iron)CPT 82728$48-$126
LAB BACT MICROLab test to diagnose 4 viruses at once: severe acute respiratory syndrome COVID 2, Influenza A, Influenza B or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).CPT 0241U$170
LAB HEMATOLOGYProthrombin time (Protime test or INR for checking levels of the factors in blood that allow clotting)CPT 85610$16-$58
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay of magnesium (Blood test to measure magnesium levels which helps control blood sugar level and immune system)CPT 83735$29-$65

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

When a patient visits an emergency department, facilities charge an emergency department fee to pay for the patient’s care. This fee provides for the nurses, staff, pharmacists, security, equipment, and other things the patient needs in the ER as well as the cost of keeping these services available 24 hours a day. The fee does not provide for the doctor or additional tests and treatments. These are billed separately.

UCHealth follows American College of Emergency Physicians guidelines for emergency department coding. Patients who need a higher level of care will be charged a higher facility fee. A level 1 or 2 emergency department fee might be charged for a very minor or simple condition like a minor viral infection or minor skin rash that requires little to no time in an ER, no tests or treatments and no prescription. Often, these conditions can be best cared for in an urgent care or primary care location. A level 4 or level 5 emergency department fee may be charged for a medical condition that requires multiple tests and screenings to diagnose and/or complex care to address.

Codes and prices represent the care, tests and treatments needed by the patient, not the resulting diagnosis. For example, a patient who has a serious headache might need advanced care and screenings to rule out a stroke or other potentially serious or life threatening conditions and thus be assessed at a level 4 or level 5, even if the resulting diagnosis is minor. A patient who presents with chest pain might need tests and screenings to rule out a heart attack and receive a level 4 or level 5 bill even if he or she is determined to not be experiencing a heart attack. The federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) requires that we provide a medical screening examination to rule out an emergency medical condition, and provide stabilizing treatment if one does exist, to all patients who come to the emergency department, regardless of their ability to pay or their insurance status.

UCHealth Longs Peak Hospital
Emergency Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
ERLevel 1 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems usually self-limiting or minor)CPT 99281$241
ERLevel 2 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are low to moderate severity)CPT 99282$454
ERLevel 3 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are moderate severity)CPT 99283$886
ERLevel 4 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity but do not pose a threat to life or function)CPT 99284$2,044
ERLevel 5 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity and pose an immediate threat to life or function)CPT 99285$3,019

UCHealth Longs Peak Hospital
Inpatient Services

Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price* Length of Stay*
Normal NewbornMS-DRG 795$1,693-$2,7931-2 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery and without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 807$6,100-$8,6592 days
NEONATE W OTHER SIGNIFICANT PROBLEMS (newborn baby with serious sickness)MS-DRG 794$2,162-$3,6741-2 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours with major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 871$20,624-$51,3963-8 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 788$12,570-$18,8212-4 days
HEART FAILURE SHOCK W MCC (The heart is unable to pump enough blood to the body, this causes shock to happen with serious complications and conditions)MS-DRG 291$15,823-$30,4323-6 days
RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS INFLAMMATIONS W MCC (Infection or inflammation in the lungs (such as pneumonia) with serious complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 177$18,511-$35,0083-6 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITH CC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 806$7,039-$10,0432-3 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W MCC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 193$15,177-$28,6922-5 days
PERC CARDIOVASC PROC W DRUG-ELUTING STENT W/O MCC (heart procedure done through the skin and placing a stent to support the vessel that gives off medicine without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 247$48,737-$63,9781-2 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W/O MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours without major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 872$14,229-$25,4982-4 days
ESOPHAGITIS GASTROENT MISC DIGEST DISORDERS W/O MCC (Inflammation of the swallowing tube or stomach or other problems with digestion without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 392$13,162-$22,5292-4 days
KIDNEY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS W/O MCC (Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 690$12,297-$21,7362-4 days
G.I. HEMORRHAGE W CC (Excessive bleeding in the stomach or bowels with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 378$17,053-$27,6632-3 days
DIABETES W CC (Diabetes or high blood sugars with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 638$14,370-$24,1532-3.25 days
INFECTIOUS PARASITIC DISEASES W O.R. PROCEDURE W MCC (Infectious disease from a parasite with Operating Room procedure with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 853$52,320-$107,4955.75-13.5 days
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O MCC (Alcohol, drug abuse or dependence without rehab treatment and without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 897$13,281-$21,3872-4 days
MISC DISORDERS OF NUTRITION METABOLISM FLUIDS/ELECTROLYTES W/O MCC (Miscellanous disorders affecting breakdown of food into energy without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 641$11,274-$21,1252-4 days
CELLULITIS W/O MCC (Deep bacterial skin infection without serious complications)MS-DRG 603$12,836-$24,6933-4 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITH CC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 787$12,470-$18,0372-4 days
FULL TERM NEONATE W MAJOR PROBLEMS (Full term baby with serious complications)MS-DRG 793$3,182-$7,3922-3 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITH STERILIZATION WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by c-section and with tubes being tied. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 785$7,822-$14,3332 days
OTHER KIDNEY URINARY TRACT DIAGNOSES W MCC (Other type of Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 698$15,053-$43,3743-7 days
MAJOR SMALL LARGE BOWEL PROCEDURES W CC (Major procedure on small and large intestines with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 330$39,961-$59,7003-8 days
HIP FEMUR PROCEDURES EXCEPT MAJOR JOINT W CC (Procedure on hip or thigh but not a major joint with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 481$32,517-$44,5623-5 days
INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE OR CEREBRAL INFARCTION W CC OR TPA IN 24 HRS (Stroke caused by either bleeding or a blood clot with complications or conditions or needing a "clot buster" in 24 hours of admission)MS-DRG 65$17,975-$28,4862-4 days
PULMONARY EDEMA RESPIRATORY FAILURE (a build up of fluid in the lungs and not enough oxygen getting to the blood from the lungs)MS-DRG 189$11,572-$25,0812-4 days
LAPAROSCOPIC CHOLECYSTECTOMY W/O C.D.E. W CC (Gallbladder taken out using a thin, lighted tube that lets the doctor see inside your belly. 4 small cuts are made in the belly area. The scope is placed in 1 of them and the gallbladder is taken out. No dye is used to look at the common bile duct for stones with complications or other conditions).MS-DRG 418$24,283-$45,4232-4 days
MISC DISORDERS OF NUTRITION METABOLISM FLUIDS/ELECTROLYTES W MCC (Miscellanous disorders affecting breakdown of food into energy with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 640$13,402-$27,0852-6 days
DIABETES W MCC (A disease where the body either does not make insulin (hormone made by the body to use glucose) or does not use insulin it makes with major complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 637$19,923-$36,7903-6.75 days
PREMATURITY W/O MAJOR PROBLEMS (Baby born too early but without major problems)MS-DRG 792$4,452-$21,6012-6.75 days
PERC CARDIOVASC PROC W DRUG-ELUTING STENT W MCC OR 4+ VESSELS/STENTS (heart procedure done through the skin and placing a stent to support the vessel that gives off medicine with major complications or conditions or in 4 or more vessels or using 4 or more stents)MS-DRG 246$59,776-$78,9572-5 days
COMBINED ANTERIOR/POSTERIOR SPINAL FUSION W CC (Surgery to join 2 or more bones in the spine so there is no movement. Can be done through the front of the neck or belly or through the back of the spinal canal with complications and conditions).MS-DRG 454$76,938-$144,3013-5 days
PULMONARY EMBOLISM W MCC (blood clot in the lungs with serious complications)MS-DRG 175$20,812-$38,3923-5 days
ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION DISCHARGED ALIVE W MCC (Patient with heart attack discharged alive with serious complications)MS-DRG 280$23,177-$38,6762-6 days
CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE W MCC (Group of long term lung diseases such as bronchitis or emphysema that block airflow and make it hard to breathe, with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 190$16,538-$31,9602-6 days
MAJOR SMALL LARGE BOWEL PROCEDURES W/O CC/MCC (Major procedure on small and large intestines without complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 331$36,668-$42,9242-4 days
G.I. OBSTRUCTION W/O CC/MCC (Blockage in the bowel without complications and conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 390$13,893-$18,2572-4 days
KIDNEY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS W MCC (Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 689$17,399-$26,9333-6 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W CC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 194$11,664-$21,9132-3.75 days
OTHER KIDNEY URINARY TRACT DIAGNOSES W CC (Disease or disorder of the kidney or urinary tract system, not listed in other codes, with complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 699$13,334-$24,7813-5 days
DISORDERS OF PANCREAS EXCEPT MALIGNANCY W CC (Diseases of the Pancreas except cancer with complications and conditions)MS-DRG 439$14,575-$32,5342-4.75 days
RENAL FAILURE W CC (Kidney failure with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 683$11,313-$30,8952-5 days
Complicated procedures on either the small or large intestine with major complications or conditionsMS-DRG 329$43,398-$82,5215-9.25 days
Bleeding in the digestive tract (stomach, intestines, colon, rectum or anus) with major complications and conditionsMS-DRG 377$26,267-$46,0773-7 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY W O.R. PROC EXCEPT STERIL /OR DC (Delivery of baby by vaginal birth that includes a procedure in the Operating Room but not having "tubes tied" (sterilization) - or a D&C (clears lining of uterus))MS-DRG 768$8,505-$14,9152-3 days
CIRCULATORY DISORDERS EXCEPT AMI W CARD CATH W MCC (Disease of the circulatory system (cardiovascular system or heart) except for an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack). Does include having a cardiac catherization (long thin tube placed into blood vessel with dye given. Looks at blood vessels of the heart and how the heart pumps) with major complications and conditions.)MS-DRG 286$24,462-$47,0092.75-6 days
RENAL FAILURE W MCC (Kidney failure with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 682$16,204-$35,0313-6 days
INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE OR CEREBRAL INFARCTION W MCC (Stroke caused by either bleeding or a blood clot with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 64$24,206-$55,9382.5-8 days
POISONING TOXIC EFFECTS OF DRUGS W MCC (Effects from drugs that are poison-like or causing harm with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 917$18,802-$55,5123-7 days
CIRCULATORY DISORDERS EXCEPT AMI W CARD CATH W/O MCC (Diseases of the blood vessels except not a heart attack with a cardiac catheterization without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 287$22,457-$30,8981-3.5 days

* Price and length-of-stay ranges represent 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Longs Peak Surgery Center
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
GASTR INTS SVSColonoscopy and biopsy (Camera with light passed through the rectum to take pictures of the intestines, a tissue sample is taken for testing.)CPT 45380$1,117
GASTR INTS SVSColonoscopy w/lesion removal (Camera with light passed through the rectum to take pictures of the intestines, with a polyp taken by snare technique for testing.)CPT 45385$1,117
GASTR INTS SVSEGD biopsy single/multiple (Camera with light passed through the mouth to take pictures of the stomach, swallowing tube and beginning of the small intestines as needed, tissue sample taken)CPT 43239$1,031
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONCataract surg w/iol 1 stage (Removal of a cataract with an artificial lens being placed in the eye)CPT 66984$3,749
GASTR INTS SVSColonoscopy submucous njx (Camera with light passed through the rectum to take pictures of the intestines with injection given into tissue)CPT 45381$1,117
INTRAOCULAR LENSSurgery to take out the natural lens of the eye during cataract surgery and replace it with an artificial one. The lens bends light rays that come into the eye to help you to see.CPT V2632$458
GASTR INTS SVSTest to look at the colon (bowel) using a small tube with a light at the end. Tissue samples, precancerous or early stage cancer tissues are taken out during the test.CPT 45390$2,632
GASTR INTS SVSDiagnostic colonoscopy (Camera with light passed through the rectum to take pictures of the intestines to diagnose a problem, a tissue sample may or may not be taken for testing.)CPT 45378$1,031
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to cut the carpal ligament (thick tissue at the wrist) to allow more space for the carpal nerve to move.CPT 64721$1,892
GASTR INTS SVSEsoph EGD dilation <30 mm (Camera with a light is passed through the mouth to the stomach and beginning of small intestine to examine the stomach and swallowing tube. Swallowing tube is enlarged with balloon less than 30 mm in diameter)CPT 43249$1,750
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONRemoval of sperm duct(s) (Removal of a section of the sperm duct or ducts)CPT 55250$1,873
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONResect inferior turbinate (Partial or complete removal of soft tissue of one the long thin bones on the inside of the nose)CPT 30140$2,948
INTRAOCULAR LENSSurgery to take out the natural lens of the eye during cataract surgery and replace it with an artificial one to correct astigmatism (This is when the eye does not focus light evenly into the retina.) The lens bends light rays that come into the eye to help you to see.CPT V2787$744
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery with a scope into the belly to remove organs that are around and support the uterus such as tubes and ovariesCPT 58661$5,452
GASTR INTS SVSTest to look at the lining of the swallowing tube, stomach and first part of the small intestine. A small tube with a camera at the end is passed through the mouth and into the stomach. The doctor injects a substance like saline or salt water to be able to see an area better.CPT 43236$1,031
GASTR INTS SVSTest to look at the lining of the swallowing tube, stomach and first part of the small intestine. A small tube with a camera at the end is passed through the mouth and into the stomach. The doctor removed a piece of tissue using a loop to cut off the piece of tissue.CPT 43251$1,750
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to cut the tendon sheath of the finger or thumb, allowing the tendon to move easily through the sheath (holds the tendon close to the finger bone).CPT 26055$1,501
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONThe use of high frequency sound (shock) waves to break up stones in your kidneyCPT 50590$4,327
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery that uses a tiny camera called an arthroscope to examine or repair the tissues inside or around your knee.CPT 29881$3,052
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to trim or smooth away a large amount of tissue in the shoulder joint. Done by placing a thin tube through the skin that has a camera on the end. Allows doctor to see inside joint without making a large cut (incision).CPT 29823$4,827
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery that uses a tiny camera called an arthroscope to examine or repair the tissues inside or around your shoulder joint.CPT 29826$1,471
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to fix the wall in the nose that is between the nostrilsCPT 30520$2,948
SUPPLY IMPLANTSDevice used to provide more support to either a weakened area or damaged tissue. Placed during surgery. Made of either man-made material or animal tissue.CPT C1781$236-$719
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to fix a torn tendon in the shoulder. Done by placing a thin tube through the skin that has a camera on the end. Allows doctor to see inside joint without making a large cut (incision).CPT 29827$6,749
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONExam to see the inside of the bladder and urethra (tubes that carry urine away from bladder) using a scope. Any stones are shattered with sound waves and removed.CPT 52356$4,754

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
OBS ROOMHospital observation per hr (Observation of patient by providers, cost by hour)CPT G0378$88
LABORATORYRoutine blood sample drawnCPT 36415$35-$143
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc w/auto diff wbc (Complete blood count with count of types of cells by machine)CPT 85025$54
STERILE SUPPLYVarious supplies needed for surgery such as instruments, gauze or towels.*CPT A4649$387-$2,047
LAB CHEMISTRYComprehen metabolic panel (Full panel of blood tests with at least 14 measurements)CPT 80053$61
IV THERAPYHydrate IV infusion add-on (IV drip for additional hour)CPT 96361$168
LAB CHEMISTRYMetabolic panel total ca (Basic panel of blood tests with at least 8 measures including calcium)CPT 80048$49
IV THERAPYTx/pro/dx inj same drug adon (Another dose of a medicine given before by IV into a vein)CPT 96375$123
EKG ECGElectrocardiogram (EKG) Heart tracingCPT 93005$178
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc automated (Complete blood count by machine)CPT 85027$41
IV THERAPYTher/proph/diag inj iv push (Single dose or first dose of medicine by IV into a vein)CPT 96374$171
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay glucose blood quant (Blood glucose or blood sugar test except with testing on paper strip)CPT 82947$26-$69
LAB CHEMISTRYLipid panel (blood test for cholesterol levels)CPT 80061$85-$151
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay thyroid stim hormone (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - TSH- blood test)CPT 84443$101
LABORATORYAssay of troponin quant (Blood test to measure troponin level to check for heart muscle damage as with a heart attack)CPT 84484$64-$88
SUPPLY IMPLANTSAnchor/screw bn/bn -tis/bn (Use of an anchor or screw to secure a bone to bone or soft tissue to bone fixation)CPT C1713$515-$3,198
DX XRAY CHESTChest X-Ray with 1 view from the frontCPT 71045$340
PHYSICAL THERPTherapeutic activities (Activities intended to improve functioning of patient)CPT 97530$100
LAB CHEMISTRYA blood test to diagnose heart failure.CPT 83880$154-$252
LAB HEMATOLOGYProthrombin time (Protime test or INR for checking levels of the factors in blood that allow clotting)CPT 85610$13-$34
LAB UROLOGYUrinalysis auto w/scope (Urine test by machine with microscope)CPT 81001$45
LAB BACT MICROLab test to diagnose 4 viruses at once: severe acute respiratory syndrome COVID 2, Influenza A, Influenza B or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).CPT 0241U$289
PHYSICAL THERPTherapeutic exercises (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy or Rehab exercises taught to increase strength and flexibilty)CPT 97110$79
CT SCAN BODYCT abd and pelv w/contrast (CAT scan of belly and hip area using IV dye)CPT 74177$4,169
TREATMENT ROOMTher/proph/diag inj sc/im (Medicine or substance given into skin or into muscle as a shot)CPT 96372$104

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

When a patient visits an emergency department, facilities charge an emergency department fee to pay for the patient’s care. This fee provides for the nurses, staff, pharmacists, security, equipment, and other things the patient needs in the ER as well as the cost of keeping these services available 24 hours a day. The fee does not provide for the doctor or additional tests and treatments. These are billed separately.

UCHealth follows American College of Emergency Physicians guidelines for emergency department coding. Patients who need a higher level of care will be charged a higher facility fee. A level 1 or 2 emergency department fee might be charged for a very minor or simple condition like a minor viral infection or minor skin rash that requires little to no time in an ER, no tests or treatments and no prescription. Often, these conditions can be best cared for in an urgent care or primary care location. A level 4 or level 5 emergency department fee may be charged for a medical condition that requires multiple tests and screenings to diagnose and/or complex care to address.

Codes and prices represent the care, tests and treatments needed by the patient, not the resulting diagnosis. For example, a patient who has a serious headache might need advanced care and screenings to rule out a stroke or other potentially serious or life threatening conditions and thus be assessed at a level 4 or level 5, even if the resulting diagnosis is minor. A patient who presents with chest pain might need tests and screenings to rule out a heart attack and receive a level 4 or level 5 bill even if he or she is determined to not be experiencing a heart attack. The federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) requires that we provide a medical screening examination to rule out an emergency medical condition, and provide stabilizing treatment if one does exist, to all patients who come to the emergency department, regardless of their ability to pay or their insurance status.

UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies
Emergency Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
ERLevel 1 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems usually self-limiting or minor)CPT 99281$285
ERLevel 2 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are low to moderate severity)CPT 99282$492
ERLevel 3 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are moderate severity)CPT 99283$842
ERLevel 4 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity but do not pose a threat to life or function)CPT 99284$1,214
ERLevel 5 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity and pose an immediate threat to life or function)CPT 99285$2,373

UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies
Inpatient Services

Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price* Length of Stay*
Normal NewbornMS-DRG 795$1,961-$3,4111-2 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery and without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 807$12,591-$17,2851-2 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours with major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 871$30,284-$69,7723-8 days
NEONATE W OTHER SIGNIFICANT PROBLEMS (newborn baby with serious sickness)MS-DRG 794$2,527-$4,5451-2 days
PERCUTANEOUS INTRACARDIAC PROCEDURES W/O MCC (Heart procedure performed with needle passed through the skin without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 274$61,101-$66,6611 day
HEART FAILURE SHOCK W MCC (The heart is unable to pump enough blood to the body, this causes shock to happen with serious complications and conditions)MS-DRG 291$24,862-$53,7273-7 days
ENDOVASCULAR CARDIAC VALVE REPLACEMENT W/O MCC (Procedure on a heart valve performed through the skin without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 267$111,777-$123,2051 day
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 788$16,329-$23,7402-3 days
PERC CARDIOVASC PROC W DRUG-ELUTING STENT W/O MCC (heart procedure done through the skin and placing a stent to support the vessel that gives off medicine without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 247$69,496-$90,3992 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITH CC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 806$14,030-$18,7082-3 days
HIP FEMUR PROCEDURES EXCEPT MAJOR JOINT W CC (Procedure on hip or thigh but not a major joint with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 481$48,289-$73,3124-8 days
RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS INFLAMMATIONS W MCC (Infection or inflammation in the lungs (such as pneumonia) with serious complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 177$26,773-$61,5073-9.75 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITH CC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 787$17,580-$26,1752-4 days
PERC CARDIOVASC PROC W DRUG-ELUTING STENT W MCC OR 4+ VESSELS/STENTS (heart procedure done through the skin and placing a stent to support the vessel that gives off medicine with major complications or conditions or in 4 or more vessels or using 4 or more stents)MS-DRG 246$75,443-$141,3012-6 days
CRANIOTOMY ENDOVASCULAR INTRACRANIAL PROCEDURES W MCC (Open brain surgery or brain procedure on the vessels performed through the skin with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 25$69,607-$142,0764-9 days
INFECTIOUS PARASITIC DISEASES W O.R. PROCEDURE W MCC (Infectious disease from a parasite with Operating Room procedure with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 853$75,129-$262,5516-15.25 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W MCC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 193$20,051-$43,1563-6 days
MEDICAL BACK PROBLEMS W/O MCC (Back problems without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 552$19,300-$43,1342.75-7 days
MAJOR SMALL LARGE BOWEL PROCEDURES W CC (Major procedure on small and large intestines with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 330$63,921-$105,1483-8 days
INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE OR CEREBRAL INFARCTION W MCC (Stroke caused by either bleeding or a blood clot with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 64$28,281-$96,1863-10 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W/O MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours without major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 872$21,018-$44,2103-5 days
FULL TERM NEONATE W MAJOR PROBLEMS (Full term baby with serious complications)MS-DRG 793$3,944-$12,3692-3 days
CORONARY BYPASS W/O CARDIAC CATH W/O MCC (heart bypass surgery without a heart catheterization and without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 236$185,838-$228,9576-9.75 days
ESOPHAGITIS GASTROENT MISC DIGEST DISORDERS W/O MCC (Inflammation of the swallowing tube or stomach or other problems with digestion without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 392$19,010-$36,4382-5 days
ENDOVASCULAR CARDIAC VALVE REPLACEMENT W MCC (Replacement of heart valve performed through the skin with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 266$116,951-$180,1351-8 days
CARDIAC VALVE OTH MAJ CARDIOTHORACIC PROC W/O CARD CATH W MCC (Heart valve procedure or other heart procedure without having a heart catherization with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 219$245,573-$472,6277-19 days
INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE OR CEREBRAL INFARCTION W CC OR TPA IN 24 HRS (Stroke caused by either bleeding or a blood clot with complications or conditions or needing a "clot buster" in 24 hours of admission)MS-DRG 65$25,270-$55,1092-5 days
COMBINED ANTERIOR/POSTERIOR SPINAL FUSION W CC (Surgery to join 2 or more bones in the spine so there is no movement. Can be done through the front of the neck or belly or through the back of the spinal canal with complications and conditions).MS-DRG 454$107,474-$181,8773-7 days
G.I. HEMORRHAGE W CC (Excessive bleeding in the stomach or bowels with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 378$24,411-$38,4402-4 days
TRAUMATIC STUPOR COMA COMA <1 HR W CC (Unresponsive from trauma or in a coma for less than 1 hour with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 86$22,775-$47,7782-7 days
MAJOR SMALL LARGE BOWEL PROCEDURES W/O CC/MCC (Major procedure on small and large intestines without complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 331$59,965-$83,7092-4 days
CELLULITIS W/O MCC (Deep bacterial skin infection without serious complications)MS-DRG 603$17,873-$32,8063-4.75 days
Admitted to the hospital for procedures on the vascular system (the body's network of blood vessels) not mentioned in other codes, with complications and conditions (other illness or disease).MS-DRG 253$60,197-$114,6612-5 days
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O MCC (Alcohol, drug abuse or dependence without rehab treatment and without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 897$21,382-$37,5433-5 days
KIDNEY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS W/O MCC (Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 690$17,791-$35,1362-4 days
CARDIAC VALVE OTH MAJ CARDIOTHORACIC PROC W/O CARD CATH W CC (Procedure on heart valve or other serious procedure of heart or chest without cardiac catheterization with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 220$192,027-$290,8496-10 days
PULMONARY EMBOLISM W MCC (blood clot in the lungs with serious complications)MS-DRG 175$22,169-$49,2882-5 days
Other types of major cardiovascular (heart and vessels) procedures with complications and comorbidities (more than one disease or condition at the same time).MS-DRG 271$94,126-$209,2573-7 days
LOWER EXTREM & HUMER PROC EXCEPT HIP,FOOT,FEMUR W CC (Procedure or surgery on the lower leg or upper arm does not include the hip, foot or thigh bone with complications or conditions).MS-DRG 493$48,963-$85,9963-8 days
RENAL FAILURE W CC (Kidney failure with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 683$16,938-$37,9752-5 days
CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE W MCC (Group of long term lung diseases such as bronchitis or emphysema that block airflow and make it hard to breathe, with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 190$21,650-$39,1282.5-5 days
Admitted to the hospital for replacement of the hip joint with a man-made joint due to hip fracture without major complications or conditions (other illness or disease).MS-DRG 522$62,279-$83,0913-6 days
ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION DISCHARGED ALIVE W MCC (Patient with heart attack discharged alive with serious complications)MS-DRG 280$29,966-$65,9743-7.25 days
COMBINED ANTERIOR/POSTERIOR SPINAL FUSION W/O CC/MCC (Surgery to join the bones of the front and back of the spine without complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 455$82,946-$128,3982-4 days
CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA CONDUCTION DISORDERS W CC (Heart rhythm problems with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 309$11,862-$25,7452-3 days
Admitted to the hospital for stupor (can only be awakened with forceful physical stimulation) and coma (does not awaken even with forceful stimulation and eyes remain closed) from some type of trauma lasting more than 1 hour with complications and conditions (other illness or disease).MS-DRG 83$23,284-$60,6813-7 days
DISORDERS OF PANCREAS EXCEPT MALIGNANCY W CC (Diseases of the Pancreas except cancer with complications and conditions)MS-DRG 439$17,972-$32,3102-4 days
OTHER KIDNEY URINARY TRACT DIAGNOSES W MCC (Other type of Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 698$25,831-$59,5403-8 days
CERVICAL SPINAL FUSION W CC (Surgery to join the bones of the neck with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 472$63,411-$105,2742-5 days
Complicated procedures on either the small or large intestine with major complications or conditionsMS-DRG 329$91,390-$219,4625-17 days

* Price and length-of-stay ranges represent 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central and Memorial Hospital North
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
OBS ROOMHospital observation per hr (Observation of patient by providers, cost by hour)CPT G0378$84-$84
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc w/auto diff wbc (Complete blood count with count of types of cells by machine)CPT 85025$36-$106
LABORATORYRoutine blood sample drawnCPT 36415$11-$82
PHYSICAL THERPTherapeutic exercises (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy or Rehab exercises taught to increase strength and flexibilty)CPT 97110$117-$118
IV THERAPYHydrate IV infusion add-on (IV drip for additional hour)CPT 96361$244-$244
LAB CHEMISTRYComprehen metabolic panel (Full panel of blood tests with at least 14 measurements)CPT 80053$57-$298
LAB CHEMISTRYMetabolic panel total ca (Basic panel of blood tests with at least 8 measures including calcium)CPT 80048$48-$156
STERILE SUPPLYVarious supplies needed for surgery such as instruments, gauze or towels.*CPT A4649$335-$1,276
PHYSICAL THERPManual therapy 1/> regions (Manual therapy such as lymph node drainage or traction in more than 1 area)CPT 97140$100-$100
IV THERAPYTx/pro/dx inj same drug adon (Another dose of a medicine given before by IV into a vein)CPT 96375$107-$107
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay thyroid stim hormone (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - TSH- blood test)CPT 84443$71-$209
EKG ECGElectrocardiogram (EKG) Heart tracingCPT 93005$285-$285
LAB CHEMISTRYLipid panel (blood test for cholesterol levels)CPT 80061$67-$166
IV THERAPYTher/proph/diag inj iv push (Single dose or first dose of medicine by IV into a vein)CPT 96374$230-$230
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay glucose blood quant (Blood glucose or blood sugar test except with testing on paper strip)CPT 82947$8-$69
LABORATORYAssay of troponin quant (Blood test to measure troponin level to check for heart muscle damage as with a heart attack)CPT 84484$94-$136
LAB CHEMISTRYGlycosylated hemoglobin test (Hemoglobin A1C blood test for diabetes - this gives your average blood sugar level for 3 months)CPT 83036$66-$120
TREATMENT ROOMTher/proph/diag inj sc/im (Medicine or substance given into skin or into muscle as a shot)CPT 96372$96-$98
OTHERLevel 2 Office/outpatient visit established patientCPT 99212$214-$214
LAB UROLOGYUrinalysis auto w/scope (Urine test by machine with microscope)CPT 81001$124-$136
LAB CHEMISTRYHepatic function panel (Liver Function blood test)CPT 80076$51-$132
LAB IMMUNOLOGYCOVID-19 testing using DNA or RNA with equipment that is able to process up to 200 tests a day.CPT U0003$41-$41
LABORATORYCOVID-19 testing using DNA or RNA with equipment that is able to process up to 200 tests a day, completed within 2 calendar days of collecting specimen.CPT U0005$14-$14
LAB BACT MICROUrine culture/colony count (Urine test for bacteria with number of cells counted)CPT 87086$60-$163
DX XRAY CHESTChest X-Ray with 1 view from the frontCPT 71045$194-$338

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

When a patient visits an emergency department, facilities charge an emergency department fee to pay for the patient’s care. This fee provides for the nurses, staff, pharmacists, security, equipment, and other things the patient needs in the ER as well as the cost of keeping these services available 24 hours a day. The fee does not provide for the doctor or additional tests and treatments. These are billed separately.

UCHealth follows American College of Emergency Physicians guidelines for emergency department coding. Patients who need a higher level of care will be charged a higher facility fee. A level 1 or 2 emergency department fee might be charged for a very minor or simple condition like a minor viral infection or minor skin rash that requires little to no time in an ER, no tests or treatments and no prescription. Often, these conditions can be best cared for in an urgent care or primary care location. A level 4 or level 5 emergency department fee may be charged for a medical condition that requires multiple tests and screenings to diagnose and/or complex care to address.

Codes and prices represent the care, tests and treatments needed by the patient, not the resulting diagnosis. For example, a patient who has a serious headache might need advanced care and screenings to rule out a stroke or other potentially serious or life threatening conditions and thus be assessed at a level 4 or level 5, even if the resulting diagnosis is minor. A patient who presents with chest pain might need tests and screenings to rule out a heart attack and receive a level 4 or level 5 bill even if he or she is determined to not be experiencing a heart attack. The federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) requires that we provide a medical screening examination to rule out an emergency medical condition, and provide stabilizing treatment if one does exist, to all patients who come to the emergency department, regardless of their ability to pay or their insurance status.

UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central and Memorial Hospital North
Emergency Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
ERLevel 1 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems usually self-limiting or minor)CPT 99281$298
ERLevel 2 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are low to moderate severity)CPT 99282$615
ERLevel 3 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are moderate severity)CPT 99283$1,093
ERLevel 4 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity but do not pose a threat to life or function)CPT 99284$2,018
ERLevel 5 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity and pose an immediate threat to life or function)CPT 99285$3,871

UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central and Memorial Hospital North
Inpatient Services

Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price* Length of Stay*
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery and without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 807$9,409-$13,8911-3 days
NEONATE W OTHER SIGNIFICANT PROBLEMS (newborn baby with serious sickness)MS-DRG 794$3,099-$5,6241-2 days
Normal NewbornMS-DRG 795$2,632-$4,0671-2 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours with major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 871$28,466-$63,6123-8 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 788$18,975-$27,3162-3 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITH CC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 806$10,422-$16,0542-3 days
RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS INFLAMMATIONS W MCC (Infection or inflammation in the lungs (such as pneumonia) with serious complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 177$25,629-$52,5453-9 days
HEART FAILURE SHOCK W MCC (The heart is unable to pump enough blood to the body, this causes shock to happen with serious complications and conditions)MS-DRG 291$21,175-$40,0803-6.25 days
PERC CARDIOVASC PROC W DRUG-ELUTING STENT W/O MCC (heart procedure done through the skin and placing a stent to support the vessel that gives off medicine without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 247$65,138-$87,3661-2 days
FULL TERM NEONATE W MAJOR PROBLEMS (Full term baby with serious complications)MS-DRG 793$3,985-$9,6502-3 days
INFECTIOUS PARASITIC DISEASES W O.R. PROCEDURE W MCC (Infectious disease from a parasite with Operating Room procedure with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 853$65,512-$180,1536-16 days
PERCUTANEOUS INTRACARDIAC PROCEDURES W/O MCC (Heart procedure performed with needle passed through the skin without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 274$83,884-$87,7811 day
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W/O MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours without major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 872$19,452-$37,1222-5 days
PREMATURITY W/O MAJOR PROBLEMS (Baby born too early but without major problems)MS-DRG 792$4,155-$8,2972-3 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITH CC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 787$21,526-$33,9202-4 days
ESOPHAGITIS GASTROENT MISC DIGEST DISORDERS W/O MCC (Inflammation of the swallowing tube or stomach or other problems with digestion without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 392$17,010-$28,6832-4 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W MCC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 193$20,444-$40,5252-6 days
G.I. HEMORRHAGE W CC (Excessive bleeding in the stomach or bowels with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 378$21,291-$34,3442-4 days
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O MCC (Alcohol, drug abuse or dependence without rehab treatment and without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 897$14,318-$28,0172-4 days
RENAL FAILURE W CC (Kidney failure with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 683$18,185-$33,3333-5 days
HIP FEMUR PROCEDURES EXCEPT MAJOR JOINT W CC (Procedure on hip or thigh but not a major joint with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 481$49,743-$74,4744-7 days
INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE OR CEREBRAL INFARCTION W CC OR TPA IN 24 HRS (Stroke caused by either bleeding or a blood clot with complications or conditions or needing a "clot buster" in 24 hours of admission)MS-DRG 65$25,541-$44,8782-6 days
PULMONARY EDEMA RESPIRATORY FAILURE (a build up of fluid in the lungs and not enough oxygen getting to the blood from the lungs)MS-DRG 189$21,383-$41,6432-6 days
DIABETES W CC (Diabetes or high blood sugars with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 638$14,933-$27,1792-3 days
CELLULITIS W/O MCC (Deep bacterial skin infection without serious complications)MS-DRG 603$15,312-$29,2882-4 days
MISC DISORDERS OF NUTRITION METABOLISM FLUIDS/ELECTROLYTES W/O MCC (Miscellanous disorders affecting breakdown of food into energy without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 641$17,683-$33,5632-5 days
MAJOR SMALL LARGE BOWEL PROCEDURES W CC (Major procedure on small and large intestines with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 330$46,901-$73,5124-8 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITH STERILIZATION WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by c-section and with tubes being tied. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 785$18,257-$25,7822-3 days
DEGENERATIVE NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS W/O MCC (Nervous system disorder with gradual loss of function without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 57$22,512-$56,5344.25-14 days
POISONING TOXIC EFFECTS OF DRUGS W MCC (Effects from drugs that are poison-like or causing harm with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 917$23,071-$53,6992-6 days
COMBINED ANTERIOR/POSTERIOR SPINAL FUSION W/O CC/MCC (Surgery to join the bones of the front and back of the spine without complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 455$138,498-$226,6611-3 days
DISORDERS OF PANCREAS EXCEPT MALIGNANCY W CC (Diseases of the Pancreas except cancer with complications and conditions)MS-DRG 439$17,983-$32,7832-5 days
INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE OR CEREBRAL INFARCTION W MCC (Stroke caused by either bleeding or a blood clot with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 64$36,889-$87,1423-11 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY W O.R. PROC EXCEPT STERIL /OR DC (Delivery of baby by vaginal birth that includes a procedure in the Operating Room but not having "tubes tied" (sterilization) - or a D&C (clears lining of uterus))MS-DRG 768$12,526-$21,2602-3 days
PULMONARY EMBOLISM W MCC (blood clot in the lungs with serious complications)MS-DRG 175$20,180-$37,9892-4 days
CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE W MCC (Group of long term lung diseases such as bronchitis or emphysema that block airflow and make it hard to breathe, with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 190$20,490-$39,6012-5 days
MAJOR SMALL LARGE BOWEL PROCEDURES W/O CC/MCC (Major procedure on small and large intestines without complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 331$36,791-$52,6412-4 days
RENAL FAILURE W MCC (Kidney failure with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 682$23,742-$58,5023-7 days
KIDNEY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS W/O MCC (Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 690$17,074-$28,5692-4 days
MISC DISORDERS OF NUTRITION METABOLISM FLUIDS/ELECTROLYTES W MCC (Miscellanous disorders affecting breakdown of food into energy with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 640$22,437-$50,3742-7 days
Complicated procedures on either the small or large intestine with major complications or conditionsMS-DRG 329$62,073-$167,7236-18 days
OTHER ANTEPARTUM DIAGNOSES W/O O.R. PROCEDURE W/O CC/MCC (Disease or disorder during period of time before delivery, not listed in other codes, without a procedure in the Operating Room without complications or conditions or without major complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 833$7,263-$14,9531-3 days
MEDICAL BACK PROBLEMS W/O MCC (Back problems without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 552$20,793-$36,0162-4 days
DIABETES W MCC (A disease where the body either does not make insulin (hormone made by the body to use glucose) or does not use insulin it makes with major complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 637$22,305-$48,0002-6 days
SEIZURES W/O MCC (Seizures without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 101$17,280-$37,7412-4 days
Admitted to the hospital for illness of the respiratory system (lungs or breathing) caused by bacteria, virus or other germs with inflammation (the body's way of protecting itself from these germs that causes redness and swelling) with complications and conditions (other illness or disease).MS-DRG 178$20,215-$32,7532-5 days
LAPAROSCOPIC CHOLECYSTECTOMY W/O C.D.E. W CC (Gallbladder taken out using a thin, lighted tube that lets the doctor see inside your belly. 4 small cuts are made in the belly area. The scope is placed in 1 of them and the gallbladder is taken out. No dye is used to look at the common bile duct for stones with complications or other conditions).MS-DRG 418$36,236-$55,7023-4 days
Bleeding in the digestive tract (stomach, intestines, colon, rectum or anus) with major complications and conditionsMS-DRG 377$28,196-$54,9833-8 days

* Price and length-of-stay ranges represent 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Pikes Peak Regional Hospital
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
PHYSICAL THERPTherapeutic exercises (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy or Rehab exercises taught to increase strength and flexibilty)CPT 97110$100
LABORATORYRoutine blood sample drawnCPT 36415$64-$76
OBS ROOMHospital observation per hr (Observation of patient by providers, cost by hour)CPT G0378$54
LAB CHEMISTRYComprehen metabolic panel (Full panel of blood tests with at least 14 measurements)CPT 80053$164
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc w/auto diff wbc (Complete blood count with count of types of cells by machine)CPT 85025$125
IV THERAPYHydrate IV infusion add-on (IV drip for additional hour)CPT 96361$365
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay thyroid stim hormone (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - TSH- blood test)CPT 84443$80
PHYSICAL THERPManual therapy 1/> regions (Manual therapy such as lymph node drainage or traction in more than 1 area)CPT 97140$115
LAB CHEMISTRYLipid panel (blood test for cholesterol levels)CPT 80061$128
STERILE SUPPLYVarious supplies needed for surgery such as instruments, gauze or towels.*CPT A4649$135-$864
IV THERAPYTx/pro/dx inj same drug adon (Another dose of a medicine given before by IV into a vein)CPT 96375$112
LAB CHEMISTRYMetabolic panel total ca (Basic panel of blood tests with at least 8 measures including calcium)CPT 80048$52
EKG ECGElectrocardiogram (EKG) Heart tracingCPT 93005$427
IV THERAPYTher/proph/diag inj iv push (Single dose or first dose of medicine by IV into a vein)CPT 96374$189
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc automated (Complete blood count by machine)CPT 85027$125
LAB UROLOGYUrinalysis auto w/scope (Urine test by machine with microscope)CPT 81001$90
LABORATORYAssay of troponin quant (Blood test to measure troponin level to check for heart muscle damage as with a heart attack)CPT 84484$147-$193
SCREENING MAMMOGRAPHYScreening mamography on both breasts with computer aided detectionCPT 77067$318-$336
SCREENING MAMMOGRAPHYBreast tomosynthesis bilateral (3D Mamogram on both breast)CPT 77063$46
CT SCAN BODYCT abd and pelv w/contrast (CAT scan of belly and hip area using IV dye)CPT 74177$3,430
DX XRAY CHESTChest X-Ray with 1 view from the frontCPT 71045$281
TREATMENT ROOMTher/proph/diag inj sc/im (Medicine or substance given into skin or into muscle as a shot)CPT 96372$144
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay glucose blood quant (Blood glucose or blood sugar test except with testing on paper strip)CPT 82947$32-$49
PHYSICAL THERPNeuromuscular reeducation (Exercise to help re-educate the body part to perform a function or task that it was able to do in its pre-injury state)CPT 97112$100
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay of lipase (Lipase level as blood test of pancreas)CPT 83690$33

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

When a patient visits an emergency department, facilities charge an emergency department fee to pay for the patient’s care. This fee provides for the nurses, staff, pharmacists, security, equipment, and other things the patient needs in the ER as well as the cost of keeping these services available 24 hours a day. The fee does not provide for the doctor or additional tests and treatments. These are billed separately.

UCHealth follows American College of Emergency Physicians guidelines for emergency department coding. Patients who need a higher level of care will be charged a higher facility fee. A level 1 or 2 emergency department fee might be charged for a very minor or simple condition like a minor viral infection or minor skin rash that requires little to no time in an ER, no tests or treatments and no prescription. Often, these conditions can be best cared for in an urgent care or primary care location. A level 4 or level 5 emergency department fee may be charged for a medical condition that requires multiple tests and screenings to diagnose and/or complex care to address.

Codes and prices represent the care, tests and treatments needed by the patient, not the resulting diagnosis. For example, a patient who has a serious headache might need advanced care and screenings to rule out a stroke or other potentially serious or life threatening conditions and thus be assessed at a level 4 or level 5, even if the resulting diagnosis is minor. A patient who presents with chest pain might need tests and screenings to rule out a heart attack and receive a level 4 or level 5 bill even if he or she is determined to not be experiencing a heart attack. The federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) requires that we provide a medical screening examination to rule out an emergency medical condition, and provide stabilizing treatment if one does exist, to all patients who come to the emergency department, regardless of their ability to pay or their insurance status.

UCHealth Pikes Peak Regional Hospital
Emergency Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
ERLevel 1 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems usually self-limiting or minor)CPT 99281$165
ERLevel 2 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are low to moderate severity)CPT 99282$537
ERLevel 3 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are moderate severity)CPT 99283$768
ERLevel 4 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity but do not pose a threat to life or function)CPT 99284$1,536
ERLevel 5 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity and pose an immediate threat to life or function)CPT 99285$2,304

UCHealth Pikes Peak Regional Hospital
Inpatient Services

Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price* Length of Stay*
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W MCC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 193$9,975-$18,7483-5 days
RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS INFLAMMATIONS W MCC (Infection or inflammation in the lungs (such as pneumonia) with serious complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 177$12,310-$25,1552-5 days
KIDNEY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS W/O MCC (Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 690$5,911-$17,0242-3.75 days
ESOPHAGITIS GASTROENT MISC DIGEST DISORDERS W/O MCC (Inflammation of the swallowing tube or stomach or other problems with digestion without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 392$3,653-$13,1091.5-3 days

* Price and length-of-stay ranges represent 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Poudre Valley Hospital
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
OBS ROOMHospital observation per hr (Observation of patient by providers, cost by hour)CPT G0378$88
LABORATORYRoutine blood sample drawnCPT 36415$35-$143
LAB CHEMISTRYComprehen metabolic panel (Full panel of blood tests with at least 14 measurements)CPT 80053$61
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc w/auto diff wbc (Complete blood count with count of types of cells by machine)CPT 85025$54
LAB IMMUNOLOGYAllergy testingCPT 86003$8-$36
IV THERAPYHydrate IV infusion add-on (IV drip for additional hour)CPT 96361$168
LAB CHEMISTRYGlycosylated hemoglobin test (Hemoglobin A1C blood test for diabetes - this gives your average blood sugar level for 3 months)CPT 83036$41-$83
STERILE SUPPLYVarious supplies needed for surgery such as instruments, gauze or towels.*CPT A4649$386-$1,589
LAB CHEMISTRYMetabolic panel total ca (Basic panel of blood tests with at least 8 measures including calcium)CPT 80048$49
IV THERAPYTx/pro/dx inj same drug adon (Another dose of a medicine given before by IV into a vein)CPT 96375$123
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay thyroid stim hormone (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - TSH- blood test)CPT 84443$101
LAB BACT MICROUrine culture/colony count (Urine test for bacteria with number of cells counted)CPT 87086$101
LAB CHEMISTRYLipid panel (blood test for cholesterol levels)CPT 80061$85-$151
PHYSICAL THERPTherapeutic activities (Activities intended to improve functioning of patient)CPT 97530$100
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc automated (Complete blood count by machine)CPT 85027$41
LAB BACT MICROCulture aerobic identify (Blood test to identify type of bacteria)CPT 87077$61-$73
PHYSICAL THERPTherapeutic exercises (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy or Rehab exercises taught to increase strength and flexibilty)CPT 97110$79
PHYSICAL THERPManual therapy 1/> regions (Manual therapy such as lymph node drainage or traction in more than 1 area)CPT 97140$72
IV THERAPYTher/proph/diag inj iv push (Single dose or first dose of medicine by IV into a vein)CPT 96374$171
OCCUPATION THERDirect patient teaching for home care and life skills with adaptive tools for areas such as the kitchen, bath or car. Billed in 15 minute segments.CPT 97535$107
EKG ECGElectrocardiogram (EKG) Heart tracingCPT 93005$178
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay iga/igd/igg/igm each (Test to measure the amount of proteins known as antibodies, made by the body in response to foreign proteins known as antigens.)CPT 82784$37-$187
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay of magnesium (Blood test to measure magnesium levels which helps control blood sugar level and immune system)CPT 83735$40-$51
SCREENING MAMMOGRAPHYScreening mamography on both breasts with computer aided detectionCPT 77067$304-$441
LAB BACT MICROTest of urine to find which antibiotic works best to treat infection caused by bacteria.CPT 87186$110

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

When a patient visits an emergency department, facilities charge an emergency department fee to pay for the patient’s care. This fee provides for the nurses, staff, pharmacists, security, equipment, and other things the patient needs in the ER as well as the cost of keeping these services available 24 hours a day. The fee does not provide for the doctor or additional tests and treatments. These are billed separately.

UCHealth follows American College of Emergency Physicians guidelines for emergency department coding. Patients who need a higher level of care will be charged a higher facility fee. A level 1 or 2 emergency department fee might be charged for a very minor or simple condition like a minor viral infection or minor skin rash that requires little to no time in an ER, no tests or treatments and no prescription. Often, these conditions can be best cared for in an urgent care or primary care location. A level 4 or level 5 emergency department fee may be charged for a medical condition that requires multiple tests and screenings to diagnose and/or complex care to address.

Codes and prices represent the care, tests and treatments needed by the patient, not the resulting diagnosis. For example, a patient who has a serious headache might need advanced care and screenings to rule out a stroke or other potentially serious or life threatening conditions and thus be assessed at a level 4 or level 5, even if the resulting diagnosis is minor. A patient who presents with chest pain might need tests and screenings to rule out a heart attack and receive a level 4 or level 5 bill even if he or she is determined to not be experiencing a heart attack. The federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) requires that we provide a medical screening examination to rule out an emergency medical condition, and provide stabilizing treatment if one does exist, to all patients who come to the emergency department, regardless of their ability to pay or their insurance status.

UCHealth Poudre Valley Hospital
Emergency Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
ERLevel 1 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems usually self-limiting or minor)CPT 99281$285
ERLevel 2 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are low to moderate severity)CPT 99282$492
ERLevel 3 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are moderate severity)CPT 99283$842
ERLevel 4 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity but do not pose a threat to life or function)CPT 99284$1,214
ERLevel 5 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity and pose an immediate threat to life or function)CPT 99285$2,373

UCHealth Poudre Valley Hospital
Inpatient Services

Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price* Length of Stay*
PSYCHOSES (condition of having lost touch with reality)MS-DRG 885$7,453-$16,3133-6.75 days
Normal NewbornMS-DRG 795$1,965-$3,1601-2 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery and without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 807$12,756-$17,5582 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours with major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 871$26,735-$67,5043-7 days
NEONATE W OTHER SIGNIFICANT PROBLEMS (newborn baby with serious sickness)MS-DRG 794$2,512-$4,0521-2 days
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O MCC (Alcohol, drug abuse or dependence without rehab treatment and without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 897$8,765-$20,6242-5 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 788$17,385-$26,3872-4 days
HEART FAILURE SHOCK W MCC (The heart is unable to pump enough blood to the body, this causes shock to happen with serious complications and conditions)MS-DRG 291$22,508-$43,2383-6 days
EXTREME IMMATURITY OR RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME NEONATE ( Baby born very early or with lungs not mature enough for breathing well)MS-DRG 790$36,842-$126,3618-35 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITH CC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 806$13,936-$20,8502-3 days
RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS INFLAMMATIONS W MCC (Infection or inflammation in the lungs (such as pneumonia) with serious complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 177$27,100-$55,2103-7 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W MCC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 193$17,723-$38,3452-5 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W/O MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours without major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 872$20,770-$34,8172-5 days
DEPRESSIVE NEUROSES (Mental disorder with anxiety, fear or depression)MS-DRG 881$6,124-$11,4342.25-5 days
ESOPHAGITIS GASTROENT MISC DIGEST DISORDERS W/O MCC (Inflammation of the swallowing tube or stomach or other problems with digestion without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 392$14,654-$24,3552-4 days
BRONCHITIS ASTHMA W/O CC/MCC (inflammation of airways for breathing without complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 203$6,475-$13,0101-3 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITH CC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 787$20,950-$30,6313-4 days
FULL TERM NEONATE W MAJOR PROBLEMS (Full term baby with serious complications)MS-DRG 793$4,051-$23,5572-5 days
INFECTIOUS PARASITIC DISEASES W O.R. PROCEDURE W MCC (Infectious disease from a parasite with Operating Room procedure with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 853$74,259-$172,5865-16.5 days
PERC CARDIOVASC PROC W DRUG-ELUTING STENT W/O MCC (heart procedure done through the skin and placing a stent to support the vessel that gives off medicine without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 247$70,356-$92,1221.75-2 days
DEGENERATIVE NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS W/O MCC (Nervous system disorder with gradual loss of function without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 57$26,318-$70,5127-15 days
G.I. HEMORRHAGE W CC (Excessive bleeding in the stomach or bowels with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 378$21,150-$39,7272-4 days
CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE W MCC (Group of long term lung diseases such as bronchitis or emphysema that block airflow and make it hard to breathe, with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 190$19,704-$39,8632-5 days
NEUROSES EXCEPT DEPRESSIVE (Mental disorder with anxiety or fear but not depression)MS-DRG 882$6,597-$15,9323-6 days
BRONCHITIS ASTHMA W CC/MCC (inflammation of airways for breathing with complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 202$11,792-$24,5402-4.75 days
KIDNEY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS W/O MCC (Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 690$14,181-$29,3542-4 days
PULMONARY EDEMA RESPIRATORY FAILURE (a build up of fluid in the lungs and not enough oxygen getting to the blood from the lungs)MS-DRG 189$20,703-$55,0052-6 days
MISC DISORDERS OF NUTRITION METABOLISM FLUIDS/ELECTROLYTES W/O MCC (Miscellanous disorders affecting breakdown of food into energy without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 641$16,775-$36,7402-4 days
CELLULITIS W/O MCC (Deep bacterial skin infection without serious complications)MS-DRG 603$15,592-$28,4442-4 days
AFTERCARE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM CONNECTIVE TISSUE W CC (Follow up care for muscle, bones or connective tissue issues with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 560$26,706-$53,0907-14 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W CC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 194$14,491-$27,5752-4 days
DISORDERS OF PANCREAS EXCEPT MALIGNANCY W CC (Diseases of the Pancreas except cancer with complications and conditions)MS-DRG 439$18,119-$35,1342-4 days
HIP FEMUR PROCEDURES EXCEPT MAJOR JOINT W CC (Procedure on hip or thigh but not a major joint with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 481$45,036-$60,3083-5 days
INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE OR CEREBRAL INFARCTION W CC OR TPA IN 24 HRS (Stroke caused by either bleeding or a blood clot with complications or conditions or needing a "clot buster" in 24 hours of admission)MS-DRG 65$22,202-$43,3002-6.25 days
MISC DISORDERS OF NUTRITION METABOLISM FLUIDS/ELECTROLYTES W MCC (Miscellanous disorders affecting breakdown of food into energy with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 640$20,242-$45,1503-8 days
Follow up care in the hospital after surgery or an injury with complications or conditions or with major complications or conditionMS-DRG 949$27,275-$51,3818-13.75 days
CHEMOTHERAPY W/O ACUTE LEUKEMIA AS SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS W CC (Chemo without having acute leukemia as a diagnosis with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 847$21,121-$50,1433-4 days
POISONING TOXIC EFFECTS OF DRUGS W/O MCC (Effects from drugs that are poison-like or causing harm without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 918$10,029-$26,5881-2 days
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W MCC (A disease that makes one crave alcohol or drugs and have to drink more to get the same feelings. Causes problems at work or in the family or school. No Rehab services used with serious complications or conditions).MS-DRG 896$17,071-$75,7463-8 days
DIABETES W CC (Diabetes or high blood sugars with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 638$22,108-$36,7152-4 days
RENAL FAILURE W CC (Kidney failure with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 683$17,143-$34,4772-4 days
MEDICAL BACK PROBLEMS W/O MCC (Back problems without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 552$20,830-$39,2913-7 days
MAJOR SMALL LARGE BOWEL PROCEDURES W CC (Major procedure on small and large intestines with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 330$50,841-$103,4243-7 days
REVISION OF HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT W/O CC/MCC (Operation to take out implant of hip or knee and replace with a new one without complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 468$38,594-$87,2671-2 days
CIRRHOSIS AND ALCOHOLIC HEPATITIS WITH MCC (Inflammation of the liver caused by drinking alcohol (alcoholic hepatitis) and late stage of scarring (fibrosis) of the liver (cirrhosis) with major complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 432$29,171-$78,6233-10 days
OTHER KIDNEY URINARY TRACT DIAGNOSES W MCC (Other type of Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 698$25,418-$54,4623-7 days
PREMATURITY W MAJOR PROBLEMS (Baby born too early with major problems)MS-DRG 791$16,438-$81,6605-24 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITH STERILIZATION WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by c-section and with tubes being tied. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 785$18,288-$23,7002-3 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY W O.R. PROC EXCEPT STERIL /OR DC (Delivery of baby by vaginal birth that includes a procedure in the Operating Room but not having "tubes tied" (sterilization) - or a D&C (clears lining of uterus))MS-DRG 768$16,569-$29,6952-3 days
Complicated procedures on either the small or large intestine with major complications or conditionsMS-DRG 329$72,569-$148,3346-15 days

* Price and length-of-stay ranges represent 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Medical Group
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
OTHERLevel 4 Office/outpatient visit established patientCPT 99214$195
OTHERLevel 3 Office/outpatient visit established patientCPT 99213$134
OTHERLevel 3 Office/outpatient visit new patientCPT 99203$178
OTHERLevel 4 Office/outpatient visit new patientCPT 99204$270
OTHERLevel 5 Office/outpatient visit established patientCPT 99215$263
LAB UROLOGYUrinalysis auto w/o scope (Urine test by machine without microscope)CPT 81003$4
LABORATORYRoutine blood sample drawnCPT 36415$7
OTHERSubsequent hospital care (Follow up visit for patient in hospital with moderate complexity, at least 25 minutes)CPT 99232$115
ADMIN VACCINEImmunization admin (Giving a vaccine)CPT 90471$17-$41
OTHERVaccine given to child less than 18 years of age. Face to face counsel by provider. Vaccine with only 1 part.CPT 90460$17-$37
LAB BACT MICROLab test to diagnose 4 viruses at once: severe acute respiratory syndrome COVID 2, Influenza A, Influenza B or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).CPT 0241U$223
PROFESSIONAL FEES - EKGElectrocardiogram (EKG) Heart tracingCPT 93010$17
OTHERSubsequent hospital careCPT 99233$165
LAB BACT MICROA test for strep throatCPT 87651$67
PHYSICAL THERPTherapeutic exercises (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy or Rehab exercises taught to increase strength and flexibilty)CPT 97110$72
OTHERHome or Outpatient monitoring of blood thinning medicine program for a new patient.CPT 93793$22
CARDIOLOGY - ECHOCARDIOLOGYTte w/doppler complete (Transthoracic - through the chest wall - Echocardiogram - ultrasound- with color ultrasound doppler to view blood flow of heart)CPT 93306$120-$363
OTHERPrev visit est age 40-64 (Preventive medicine visit for patient ages 40 to 64, known to doctor already)CPT 99396$60-$200
OTHERLevel 2 Office/outpatient visit established patientCPT 99212$79
PHARMACY DRUGS REQ DETAILFlu vaccine supply of a preservative free, split virus influenza vaccine 0.5 mL dose that is given to the patient.CPT 90686$30
LAB CHEMISTRYGlycosylated hemoglobin test (Hemoglobin A1C blood test for diabetes - this gives your average blood sugar level for 3 months)CPT 83036$18
OTHERElectrocardiogram completeCPT 93000$31
PHYSICAL THERPManual therapy 1/> regions (Manual therapy such as lymph node drainage or traction in more than 1 area)CPT 97140$72
OTHERPersonalized prevention plan of service (Yearly "well" visit to plan for needed care during the year for a patient already known to the provider.CPT G0439$218
ALLERGY TEST OTH DX SVCSPercut allergy skin tests (Allergy testing with skin pricks)CPT 95004$10

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Inverness Orthopedics and Spine Surgery Center
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery that uses a tiny camera called an arthroscope to examine or repair the tissues inside or around your knee.CPT 29881$3,052
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to repair the anterior cruciate ligament (strong fiber that connects the thigh to shinbone and runs down the front of the knee). Done by placing a thin tube through the skin that has a camera on the end. Allows doctor to see inside joint without making a large cut (incision).CPT 29888$6,749
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to fix the synovium (tissue that lines a joint) in at least 2 areas such as the medial (inside) or lateral (outside) of the knee. Done by placing a thin tube through the skin that has a camera on the end. Allows doctor to see inside joint without making a large cut (incision).CPT 29876$3,052
TREATMENT ROOMShot given with either pain medicines or a steroid into the disc of the lower back.CPT 64483$1,031
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to take out a deep implant such as a pin, screw or wire.CPT 20680$2,555
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to fix the meniscus (provides a cushion and stablizes the knee joint). Done by placing a thin tube through the skin that has a camera on the end. Allows doctor to see inside joint without making a large cut (incision).CPT 29882$3,052
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to fix a torn tendon in the shoulder. Done by placing a thin tube through the skin that has a camera on the end. Allows doctor to see inside joint without making a large cut (incision).CPT 29827$6,749
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery that uses a tiny camera called an arthroscope to examine or repair the tissues inside or around your shoulder joint.CPT 29826$1,471
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to cut the carpal ligament (thick tissue at the wrist) to allow more space for the carpal nerve to move.CPT 64721$1,892
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to trim or smooth away a large amount of tissue in the shoulder joint. Done by placing a thin tube through the skin that has a camera on the end. Allows doctor to see inside joint without making a large cut (incision).CPT 29823$4,827
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to cut the tendon sheath of the finger or thumb, allowing the tendon to move easily through the sheath (holds the tendon close to the finger bone).CPT 26055$1,501
OR MINORA nerve block is a dose of numbing medicine given near the major nerve (femoral nerve) in the thigh. Often used as anesthesia for thigh or knee surgery or for imaging when needed.CPT 64447$1,854
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to fix a tear in the bicep tendon (muscle on the front of the upper arm) by sewing the end of the tendon to a bone.CPT 23430$6,749
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to fix the meniscus (provides a cushion and stablizes the knee joint) and shave off damaged cartilage of the knee (chondroplasty). Done by placing a thin tube through the skin that has a camera on the end. Allows doctor to see inside joint without making a large cut (incision).CPT 29880$3,052
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to smooth away the head on the hip bone. Done by placing a thin tube through the skin that has a camera on the end. Allows doctor to see inside joint without making a large cut (incision).CPT 29914$7,055
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONInjection or a shot given to either diagnose or treat a problem in the facet joint in the lumbar area (lower back) or sacral area (tailbone) joints of the spine. Uses imaging or X-ray to guide to the correct spot.CPT 64493$887
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONInjection or a shot given to either diagnose or treat a second problem in the facet joint in the lumbar area (lower back) or sacral area (tailbone) joints of the spine. Uses imaging or X-ray to guide to the correct spot.CPT 64494$473
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to trim or smooth away a large amount of tissue from the ankle joints. Done by placing a thin tube through the skin that has a camera on the end. Allows doctor to see inside joint without making a large cut (incision).CPT 29898$3,052
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to fix a tear in the labrum (cushions the hip joint and holds the hip bone in the socket). Done by placing a thin tube through the skin that has a camera on the end. Allows doctor to see inside joint without making a large cut (incision).CPT 29916$7,055
OR MINORA nerve block is a dose of medicine given into the group of nerves above the collarbone or upper arm (near the armpit). Can be used for pain management (steroid is given) or for anesthesia (numbing medicine is given) for surgery on the arm or for imaging when needed.CPT 64415$1,031
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery that uses a tiny camera to look inside your knee. Small cuts are made to place the camera and small tools into your knee for the procedure to release the tight ligaments (bands of tissue) on the outside of the kneecap to let it slide to the correct place.CPT 29873$3,052
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery (either by cutting open the skin or by placing stitches on the outside of the skin) to fix a tear in the Achilles tendon (connects calf muscles to the heel bone).CPT 27650$6,749
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONA small camera at the end of a hollow tube (catheter) is placed through the shoulder to see the bicep muscle and tendon (large muscle on the front of the upper arm). The tendon may be repaired if torn or moved to the upper arm bone if needed.CPT 29828$6,749
AMBULATORY SURGICAL CARE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONSurgery to fix a tear in the joint capsule of the shoulder (strong tissue that supports and protects the joint). Done by placing a thin tube through the skin that has a camera on the end. Allows doctor to see inside joint without making a large cut (incision).CPT 29806$6,749
OR MINORA nerve block is a dose of medicine given into the largest area of nerves that start in the lower back along the hip joint to the lower leg. Can be used for pain management (steroid may be used) or surgery (numbing medicine is used) or for imaging when needed.CPT 64445$684

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation at Castle Rock, Sterling Ranch, Northfield, Longs Peak Medical Center, and Steadman Hawkins Clinic - Denver
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
PHYSICAL THERPTherapeutic exercises (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy or Rehab exercises taught to increase strength and flexibilty)CPT 97110$72
PHYSICAL THERPManual therapy 1/> regions (Manual therapy such as lymph node drainage or traction in more than 1 area)CPT 97140$72
PHYSICAL THERPNeuromuscular reeducation (Exercise to help re-educate the body part to perform a function or task that it was able to do in its pre-injury state)CPT 97112$84
EVAL REEVAL PHYS THERPT eval low complex 20 min (Physical Therapy assessment for 20 minutes of low complexity)CPT 97161$141
PHYSICAL THERPTherapeutic activities (Activities intended to improve functioning of patient)CPT 97530$65
OCCUPATION THERDirect patient teaching for home care and life skills with adaptive tools for areas such as the kitchen, bath or car. Billed in 15 minute segments.CPT 97535$58
PHYSICAL THERPVasopneumatic device therapy (Use of a device to apply pressure to lower swelling in an area)CPT 97016$72
EVAL REEVAL OCCUP THEROT eval low complex 30 min (Occupational Therapy assessment for 30 minutes of low complexity patient)CPT 97165$146
EVAL REEVAL PHYS THERPt re-eval est plan care (Physical Therapy re-evaluation for established patient for new plan of care, lasting about 20 minutes)CPT 97164$97
EVAL REEVAL PHYS THERPt eval mod complex 30 min (Physical Therapy evaluation of moderately complex patient, lasting 30 minutes)CPT 97162$141
PHYSICAL THERPTherapy for help with walking (may include stair training as well)CPT 97116$58
OCCUPATION THEROrthotic mgmt and training (Training and management for use of a brace)CPT 97760$76
PHYSICAL THERPUltrasound therapy (Ultrasound use of deep heat as therapy in a certain place for pain or flexibility)CPT 97035$58
OTHER RX SVCSAlso known as "dry needling", a thin solid wire is placed into 1 or 2 muscles to relieve pain. No medication or shot given during this treatment.CPT 20560$44
OCCUPATION THERThe use of hot wax as a treatment by an Occupational or Physical Therapist for pain in the hands or feet.CPT 97018$38
OCCUPATION THERThe fitting or training of a patient in the use of an upper or lower extrmity (arm or leg) orthotic or prothesis such as a brace or articial limb. Billed in time use of 15 minute segments.CPT 97763$88
OTHER RX SVCSAlso known as "dry needling", a thin solid wire is placed into 3 or more muscles to relieve pain. No medication or shot given during this treatment.CPT 20561$62
PROSTHETIC DEVHFO w/o joints cf (Hand, finger brace that does not move, custom made for a patient)CPT L3913$383
OTHERHot or cold packs therapy (Use of hot or cold packs for pain relief or to increase blood flow as part of a treatment)CPT 97010$34
PROSTHETIC DEVWHO w/o joints cf (Wrist or hand brace that does not bend, custom made for a specific patient)CPT L3906$575
PHYSICAL THERPElectrical stimulation (Electical stimulation to muscle group with constant attention by provider, used for wound healing)CPT 97032$58
PROSTHETIC DEVWHFO - rigid w/o joints (Wrist, hand, finger brace that does not move, allows fingers to move)CPT L3808$513
PROSTHETIC DEVFO w/o joints cf (Finger brace that does not move, custom made for a patient, maybe ring style or splint style)CPT L3933$302
PHYSICAL THERPElectric stimulation therapy (Electical stimulation to muscle group used for wound healing)CPT 97014$23
PHYSICAL THERPMechanical traction therapy (The use of ropes, slings or pulleys to apply traction)CPT 97012$42

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Radiology Freestanding Clinic
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
SCREENING MAMMOGRAPHYScreening mamography on both breasts with computer aided detectionCPT 77067$243
SCREENING MAMMOGRAPHYBreast tomosynthesis bilateral (3D Mamogram on both breast)CPT 77063$98
MAGNETIC RESONANCE TECHNOLOGY MRT - MRI - OTHERMRI uses a large magnet and radiowaves to look at a joint of a lower extremity such as on the legs without using dye.CPT 73721$594
DX XRAYA special type of x-ray of your bones. Uses a very low amount of radiation to find how strong or weak your bones are. At least 1 view of the bones that form the trunk of the body such as the hips or spine.CPT 77080$70
ULTRASOUNDUltrasound test (uses sound waves to get pictures) of 1 breast, including under the arm pit.CPT 76642$160
DX XRAYX-ray exam of kneeCPT 73562$77
DX XRAYX-ray exam of footCPT 73630$65
DX XRAYX-ray exam of shoulderCPT 73030$65
CT SCAN BODYCT abd and pelv w/contrast (CAT scan of belly and hip area using IV dye)CPT 74177$611
MAMMOGRAPHYSpecial low dose xray on one breast to look for cancer. Uses the computer to look for dense or thick areas of tissue that might be cancer.CPT 77065$238
MRI SPINAL CORDMRI uses a large magnet and radiowaves to look at bones of the spine at the lumbar area (lower back) without using dye.CPT 72148$594
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay of creatinine (Measure of waste products in the blood to monitor kidney function)CPT 82565$9
DX XRAYX-ray of one hip with the pelvis (area between the hip bones), 2 to 3 views taken.CPT 73502$89
MAMMOGRAPHYSpecial low dose xray on both breasts to look for cancer. Uses the computer to look for dense or thick areas of tissue that might be cancer.CPT 77066$301
DX XRAY CHESTXray of the chest with 2 views, from the front and the side.CPT 71046$63
MRIMRI uses a large magnet and radiowaves to look at a joint of an upper extremity such as on the arms without using dye.CPT 73221$594
ULTRASOUNDA test that uses sound waves to create a picture (also known as a sonogram) of the area near the kidneys behind the other organs in the belly area. No radiation is used. It can also show parts of the body in motion, such as a heart beating or blood flowing through blood vessels.CPT 76700$223
ULTRASOUNDUltrasound or sound wave test done through the vagina (womb) done but not related to pregnancy.CPT 76830$229
ULTRASOUNDA test that uses sound waves to create a picture of the soft tissues of the head and neck.CPT 76536$214
MAMMOGRAPHYSpecial xray of 1 breast where thin slices or images are taken and then made into a 3D image to look for signs of cancer.CPT 77061$216
MRI BRAINMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses very strong magnets and radio waves to create pictures of the brain. This test of the brain stem (the part of the brain that connects the brain to the spine) uses IV contrast dye in one set of pictures and then without dye in the next set of pictures.CPT 70553$739
CARDIOLOGY - ECHOCARDIOLOGYTte w/doppler complete (Transthoracic - through the chest wall - Echocardiogram - ultrasound- with color ultrasound doppler to view blood flow of heart)CPT 93306$375
DX XRAYX-ray exam of ankleCPT 73610$70
ULTRASOUNDUltrasound or sound wave test of the pelvic area (area between the hip bones) with limited views or as a follow up to look at a specific area.CPT 76857$144
MAMMOGRAPHYSpecial xray of both breasts where thin slices or images are taken and then made into a 3D image to look for signs of cancer.CPT 77062$273

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
OBS ROOMHospital observation per hr (Observation of patient by providers, cost by hour)CPT G0378$216
LABORATORYRoutine blood sample drawnCPT 36415$51-$60
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc w/auto diff wbc (Complete blood count with count of types of cells by machine)CPT 85025$22-$71
LAB CHEMISTRYComprehen metabolic panel (Full panel of blood tests with at least 14 measurements)CPT 80053$187-$197
PHYSICAL THERPTherapeutic exercises (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy or Rehab exercises taught to increase strength and flexibilty)CPT 97110$158-$159
OTHERLevel 3 Office/outpatient visit established patientCPT 99213$88
LAB CHEMISTRYMetabolic panel total ca (Basic panel of blood tests with at least 8 measures including calcium)CPT 80048$109
TELEMEDICINE - GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONThe site where the patient is located during a telehealth visit.CPT Q3014$34
PHYSICAL THERPManual therapy 1/> regions (Manual therapy such as lymph node drainage or traction in more than 1 area)CPT 97140$186-$186
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay glucose blood quant (Blood glucose or blood sugar test except with testing on paper strip)CPT 82947$12-$47
OTHERLevel 4 Office/outpatient visit established patientCPT 99214$110
IV THERAPYTx/pro/dx inj same drug adon (Another dose of a medicine given before by IV into a vein)CPT 96375$94-$118
EKG ECGElectrocardiogram (EKG) Heart tracingCPT 93005$273-$302
IV THERAPYHydrate IV infusion add-on (IV drip for additional hour)CPT 96361$100-$118
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay thyroid stim hormone (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - TSH- blood test)CPT 84443$81
LAB CHEMISTRYGlycosylated hemoglobin test (Hemoglobin A1C blood test for diabetes - this gives your average blood sugar level for 3 months)CPT 83036$49-$99
OTHERLevel 2 Office/outpatient visit established patientCPT 99212$63
LAB CHEMISTRYLipid panel (blood test for cholesterol levels)CPT 80061$21-$137
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc automated (Complete blood count by machine)CPT 85027$18-$41
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay of magnesium (Blood test to measure magnesium levels which helps control blood sugar level and immune system)CPT 83735$20-$82
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay of phosphorus (Blood test to measure phosphorus, found most in bones and teeth)CPT 84100$14-$25
STERILE SUPPLYVarious supplies needed for surgery such as instruments, gauze or towels.*CPT A4649$142-$818
IV THERAPYTher/proph/diag inj iv push (Single dose or first dose of medicine by IV into a vein)CPT 96374$100-$123
LAB UROLOGYUrinalysis auto w/o scope (Urine test by machine without microscope)CPT 81003$14-$75
LAB HEMATOLOGYProthrombin time (Protime test or INR for checking levels of the factors in blood that allow clotting)CPT 85610$20-$57

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

When a patient visits an emergency department, facilities charge an emergency department fee to pay for the patient’s care. This fee provides for the nurses, staff, pharmacists, security, equipment, and other things the patient needs in the ER as well as the cost of keeping these services available 24 hours a day. The fee does not provide for the doctor or additional tests and treatments. These are billed separately.

UCHealth follows American College of Emergency Physicians guidelines for emergency department coding. Patients who need a higher level of care will be charged a higher facility fee. A level 1 or 2 emergency department fee might be charged for a very minor or simple condition like a minor viral infection or minor skin rash that requires little to no time in an ER, no tests or treatments and no prescription. Often, these conditions can be best cared for in an urgent care or primary care location. A level 4 or level 5 emergency department fee may be charged for a medical condition that requires multiple tests and screenings to diagnose and/or complex care to address.

Codes and prices represent the care, tests and treatments needed by the patient, not the resulting diagnosis. For example, a patient who has a serious headache might need advanced care and screenings to rule out a stroke or other potentially serious or life threatening conditions and thus be assessed at a level 4 or level 5, even if the resulting diagnosis is minor. A patient who presents with chest pain might need tests and screenings to rule out a heart attack and receive a level 4 or level 5 bill even if he or she is determined to not be experiencing a heart attack. The federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) requires that we provide a medical screening examination to rule out an emergency medical condition, and provide stabilizing treatment if one does exist, to all patients who come to the emergency department, regardless of their ability to pay or their insurance status.

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital
Emergency Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
ERLevel 1 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems usually self-limiting or minor)CPT 99281$233
ERLevel 2 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are low to moderate severity)CPT 99282$428
ERLevel 3 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are moderate severity)CPT 99283$850
ERLevel 4 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity but do not pose a threat to life or function)CPT 99284$2,062
ERLevel 5 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity and pose an immediate threat to life or function)CPT 99285$2,786

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital
Inpatient Services

Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price* Length of Stay*
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery and without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 807$13,854-$19,0992-3 days
NEONATE W OTHER SIGNIFICANT PROBLEMS (newborn baby with serious sickness)MS-DRG 794$3,484-$6,7031-2 days
Normal NewbornMS-DRG 795$2,582-$4,9901-2 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours with major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 871$29,208-$74,9793-10 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITH CC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 806$15,348-$21,4982-3 days
HEART FAILURE SHOCK W MCC (The heart is unable to pump enough blood to the body, this causes shock to happen with serious complications and conditions)MS-DRG 291$21,913-$45,3233-7 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 788$17,346-$25,1323-4 days
RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS INFLAMMATIONS W MCC (Infection or inflammation in the lungs (such as pneumonia) with serious complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 177$22,444-$48,1053-7 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W MCC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 193$19,708-$44,6703-7 days
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W REHABILITATION THERAPY (Alcohol, drug abuse or dependence with rehab treatment)MS-DRG 895$36,475-$60,40712.25-21 days
SEIZURES W/O MCC (Seizures without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 101$17,221-$36,4332-4 days
CRANIOTOMY ENDOVASCULAR INTRACRANIAL PROCEDURES W MCC (Open brain surgery or brain procedure on the vessels performed through the skin with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 25$71,001-$148,3773-11 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITH CC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 787$20,465-$32,0993-5 days
MAJOR SMALL LARGE BOWEL PROCEDURES W CC (Major procedure on small and large intestines with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 330$34,143-$74,9613-9 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W/O MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours without major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 872$19,564-$35,0473-5 days
CHEMOTHERAPY W/O ACUTE LEUKEMIA AS SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS W CC (Chemo without having acute leukemia as a diagnosis with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 847$14,001-$25,0403-5 days
MISC DISORDERS OF NUTRITION METABOLISM FLUIDS/ELECTROLYTES W MCC (Miscellanous disorders affecting breakdown of food into energy with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 640$21,929-$54,1862-8 days
ESOPHAGITIS GASTROENT MISC DIGEST DISORDERS W/O MCC (Inflammation of the swallowing tube or stomach or other problems with digestion without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 392$15,546-$29,5942-4 days
CRANIOTOMY ENDOVASCULAR INTRACRANIAL PROCEDURES W/O CC/MCC (Open brain surgery or brain procedure on the vessels performed through the skin without complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 27$50,538-$90,6501-3 days
INFECTIOUS PARASITIC DISEASES W O.R. PROCEDURE W MCC (Infectious disease from a parasite with Operating Room procedure with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 853$82,416-$218,7348-26 days
FULL TERM NEONATE W MAJOR PROBLEMS (Full term baby with serious complications)MS-DRG 793$5,574-$26,7432-5 days
MAJOR CHEST PROCEDURES W/CC (Major surgery or procedures in the chest with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 164$41,027-$72,9262-6 days
CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE W MCC (Group of long term lung diseases such as bronchitis or emphysema that block airflow and make it hard to breathe, with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 190$18,179-$42,4482-6 days
Kidney TransplantMS-DRG 652$160,449-$184,7003-4 days
PREMATURITY W/O MAJOR PROBLEMS (Baby born too early but without major problems)MS-DRG 792$6,600-$20,1163-6 days
RENAL FAILURE W CC (Kidney failure with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 683$14,944-$33,1892-5 days
MISC DISORDERS OF NUTRITION METABOLISM FLUIDS/ELECTROLYTES W/O MCC (Miscellanous disorders affecting breakdown of food into energy without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 641$14,646-$34,2322-5 days
EXTREME IMMATURITY OR RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME NEONATE ( Baby born very early or with lungs not mature enough for breathing well)MS-DRG 790$98,310-$420,37517-62 days
SPINAL FUSION EXCEPT CERVICAL W/O MCC (Surgery to join the bones of the back, not the neck, without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 460$72,966-$122,9972-5 days
OTHER KIDNEY URINARY TRACT DIAGNOSES W MCC (Other type of Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract with major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 698$24,545-$49,5393-7 days
INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE OR CEREBRAL INFARCTION W MCC (Stroke caused by either bleeding or a blood clot with serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 64$42,633-$108,2283-10 days
CELLULITIS W/O MCC (Deep bacterial skin infection without serious complications)MS-DRG 603$12,973-$28,0622-5 days
DIABETES W CC (Diabetes or high blood sugars with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 638$14,770-$26,0742-4 days
ECMO OR TRACH W MV >96 HRS OR PDX EXC FACE MOUTH NECK W MAJ O.R. ( Use of artifial heart lung machine or tracheostomy with breathing machine for more than 96 hours with procedure in operating room)MS-DRG 3$394,521-$857,22622-58 days
KIDNEY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS W/O MCC (Kidney infection and infection of the urinary tract without major complications or conditions)MS-DRG 690$17,915-$32,5532-5 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY W O.R. PROC EXCEPT STERIL /OR DC (Delivery of baby by vaginal birth that includes a procedure in the Operating Room but not having "tubes tied" (sterilization) - or a D&C (clears lining of uterus))MS-DRG 768$17,494-$24,5422-3 days
CIRRHOSIS AND ALCOHOLIC HEPATITIS WITH MCC (Inflammation of the liver caused by drinking alcohol (alcoholic hepatitis) and late stage of scarring (fibrosis) of the liver (cirrhosis) with major complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 432$30,969-$89,2744-13 days
DISORDERS OF PANCREAS EXCEPT MALIGNANCY W CC (Diseases of the Pancreas except cancer with complications and conditions)MS-DRG 439$17,639-$35,0882-5 days
MAJOR SMALL LARGE BOWEL PROCEDURES W/O CC/MCC (Major procedure on small and large intestines without complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 331$24,920-$43,6602-4 days
COMBINED ANTERIOR/POSTERIOR SPINAL FUSION W CC (Surgery to join 2 or more bones in the spine so there is no movement. Can be done through the front of the neck or belly or through the back of the spinal canal with complications and conditions).MS-DRG 454$121,736-$230,0174-8 days
INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE OR CEREBRAL INFARCTION W CC OR TPA IN 24 HRS (Stroke caused by either bleeding or a blood clot with complications or conditions or needing a "clot buster" in 24 hours of admission)MS-DRG 65$26,302-$49,6002-6 days
PULMONARY EDEMA RESPIRATORY FAILURE (a build up of fluid in the lungs and not enough oxygen getting to the blood from the lungs)MS-DRG 189$20,373-$46,3902-7 days
OTHER KIDNEY URINARY TRACT DIAGNOSES W CC (Disease or disorder of the kidney or urinary tract system, not listed in other codes, with complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 699$17,047-$36,8212-5.25 days
SIMPLE PNEUMONIA PLEURISY W CC (Simple pneumonia - responds well to treatment - and inflammation of the space between the lungs and the chest wall, with complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 194$14,908-$26,7462-4 days
RENAL FAILURE W MCC (Kidney failure with serious complications or other conditions)MS-DRG 682$23,464-$62,5743-10 days
PREMATURITY W MAJOR PROBLEMS (Baby born too early with major problems)MS-DRG 791$44,882-$140,2058-24.75 days
RED BLOOD CELL DISORDERS W/O MCC (Disease of the red blood cell without serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 812$15,218-$44,4732-10 days
CARDIAC VALVE OTH MAJ CARDIOTHORACIC PROC W/O CARD CATH W CC (Procedure on heart valve or other serious procedure of heart or chest without cardiac catheterization with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 220$112,688-$170,8564-7 days
CIRCULATORY DISORDERS EXCEPT AMI W CARD CATH W MCC (Disease of the circulatory system (cardiovascular system or heart) except for an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack). Does include having a cardiac catherization (long thin tube placed into blood vessel with dye given. Looks at blood vessels of the heart and how the heart pumps) with major complications and conditions.)MS-DRG 286$53,268-$101,4995-12 days
OTHER CIRCULATORY SYSTEM DIAGNOSES W MCC (Diseases of the blood moving through the body with serious complications and conditions)MS-DRG 314$31,250-$69,8174-10 days

* Price and length-of-stay ranges represent 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center
Outpatient Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
PHYSICAL THERPTherapeutic exercises (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy or Rehab exercises taught to increase strength and flexibilty)CPT 97110$74-$85
PHYSICAL THERPManual therapy 1/> regions (Manual therapy such as lymph node drainage or traction in more than 1 area)CPT 97140$74-$85
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc w/auto diff wbc (Complete blood count with count of types of cells by machine)CPT 85025$37
LAB CHEMISTRYComprehen metabolic panel (Full panel of blood tests with at least 14 measurements)CPT 80053$56
OBS ROOMHospital observation per hr (Observation of patient by providers, cost by hour)CPT G0378$255
STERILE SUPPLYVarious supplies needed for surgery such as instruments, gauze or towels.*CPT A4649$297-$1,512
LABORATORYRoutine blood sample drawnCPT 36415$32
LAB CHEMISTRYAssay thyroid stim hormone (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - TSH- blood test)CPT 84443$86
LAB CHEMISTRYLipid panel (blood test for cholesterol levels)CPT 80061$35-$69
IV THERAPYHydrate IV infusion add-on (IV drip for additional hour)CPT 96361$137
PHYSICAL THERPTherapeutic activities (Activities intended to improve functioning of patient)CPT 97530$78-$83
LAB CHEMISTRYMetabolic panel total ca (Basic panel of blood tests with at least 8 measures including calcium)CPT 80048$44
IV THERAPYTx/pro/dx inj same drug adon (Another dose of a medicine given before by IV into a vein)CPT 96375$129-$137
PATHOL HYSTOLTissue exam by pathologist (Tissue sample examined by doctor (pathologist) for diagnosis)CPT 88305$193
SCREENING MAMMOGRAPHYScreening mamography on both breasts with computer aided detectionCPT 77067$323
SCREENING MAMMOGRAPHYBreast tomosynthesis bilateral (3D Mamogram on both breast)CPT 77063$46
PHYSICAL THERPNeuromuscular reeducation (Exercise to help re-educate the body part to perform a function or task that it was able to do in its pre-injury state)CPT 97112$74-$83
LAB CHEMISTRYGlycosylated hemoglobin test (Hemoglobin A1C blood test for diabetes - this gives your average blood sugar level for 3 months)CPT 83036$36-$50
SUPPLY IMPLANTSAnchor/screw bn/bn -tis/bn (Use of an anchor or screw to secure a bone to bone or soft tissue to bone fixation)CPT C1713$594-$4,454
LAB HEMATOLOGYComplete cbc automated (Complete blood count by machine)CPT 85027$26
IV THERAPYTher/proph/diag inj iv push (Single dose or first dose of medicine by IV into a vein)CPT 96374$261-$272
EVAL REEVAL PHYS THERPT eval low complex 20 min (Physical Therapy assessment for 20 minutes of low complexity)CPT 97161$146
LAB CHEMISTRYVitamin d 25 hydroxy (Vitamin D level blood test)CPT 82306$153
EKG ECGElectrocardiogram (EKG) Heart tracingCPT 93005$224
LAB BACT MICROUrine culture/colony count (Urine test for bacteria with number of cells counted)CPT 87086$42

* Price represents 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

When a patient visits an emergency department, facilities charge an emergency department fee to pay for the patient’s care. This fee provides for the nurses, staff, pharmacists, security, equipment, and other things the patient needs in the ER as well as the cost of keeping these services available 24 hours a day. The fee does not provide for the doctor or additional tests and treatments. These are billed separately.

UCHealth follows American College of Emergency Physicians guidelines for emergency department coding. Patients who need a higher level of care will be charged a higher facility fee. A level 1 or 2 emergency department fee might be charged for a very minor or simple condition like a minor viral infection or minor skin rash that requires little to no time in an ER, no tests or treatments and no prescription. Often, these conditions can be best cared for in an urgent care or primary care location. A level 4 or level 5 emergency department fee may be charged for a medical condition that requires multiple tests and screenings to diagnose and/or complex care to address.

Codes and prices represent the care, tests and treatments needed by the patient, not the resulting diagnosis. For example, a patient who has a serious headache might need advanced care and screenings to rule out a stroke or other potentially serious or life threatening conditions and thus be assessed at a level 4 or level 5, even if the resulting diagnosis is minor. A patient who presents with chest pain might need tests and screenings to rule out a heart attack and receive a level 4 or level 5 bill even if he or she is determined to not be experiencing a heart attack. The federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) requires that we provide a medical screening examination to rule out an emergency medical condition, and provide stabilizing treatment if one does exist, to all patients who come to the emergency department, regardless of their ability to pay or their insurance status.

UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center
Emergency Services

Billing Code Type Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price
ERLevel 1 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems usually self-limiting or minor)CPT 99281$222
ERLevel 2 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are low to moderate severity)CPT 99282$423
ERLevel 3 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are moderate severity)CPT 99283$980
ERLevel 4 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity but do not pose a threat to life or function)CPT 99284$2,053
ERLevel 5 Emergency Dept Visit (Evaluation and care of patient with coordination by other care providers, consistent with needs of patient. Problems are urgent and of high severity and pose an immediate threat to life or function)CPT 99285$2,920

UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center
Inpatient Services

Description of Services Billing Code Self-Pay Price* Length of Stay*
Normal NewbornMS-DRG 795$1,886-$3,1001-2 days
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery and without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 807$9,866-$16,4532-3 days
NEONATE W OTHER SIGNIFICANT PROBLEMS (newborn baby with serious sickness)MS-DRG 794$2,808-$4,1872 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 788$16,462-$24,8702-3 days
REVISION OF HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT W/O CC/MCC (Operation to take out implant of hip or knee and replace with a new one without complications or conditions or serious complications or conditions)MS-DRG 468$66,143-$97,8901 day
VAGINAL DELIVERY WITHOUT STERILIZATION/D&C WITH CC (Birth of a baby by vaginal delivery without tubes being tied or uterus being cleaned out. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 806$10,246-$16,9122-3 days
SEPTICEMIA OR SEVERE SEPSIS W/O MV >96 HOURS W MCC (severe infection in the blood without being put on a breathing machine, lasting more than 96 hours with major complications and conditions)MS-DRG 871$25,809-$57,2892.25-4.75 days
FULL TERM NEONATE W MAJOR PROBLEMS (Full term baby with serious complications)MS-DRG 793$10,123-$63,9432-12 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITHOUT STERILIZATION WITH CC (Birth of a baby by c-section and without tubes being tied. With complications or conditions)MS-DRG 787$18,639-$27,8683-4 days
HIP FEMUR PROCEDURES EXCEPT MAJOR JOINT W CC (Procedure on hip or thigh but not a major joint with complications or conditions)MS-DRG 481$45,141-$83,7312-4 days
REVISION OF HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT WITH CC (Removal of or repair of man made device for hip or knee with complications and conditions.)MS-DRG 467$75,950-$107,7622-3 days
CESAREAN SECTION WITH STERILIZATION WITHOUT CC/MCC (Birth of a baby by c-section and with tubes being tied. Without complications or conditions or serious complications)MS-DRG 785$16,852-$25,7382-3 days
RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS INFLAMMATIONS W MCC (Infection or inflammation in the lungs (such as pneumonia) with serious complications or conditions.)MS-DRG 177$24,452-$49,5132-4 days

* Price and length-of-stay ranges represent 25th and 75th percentiles. Actual prices may be higher or lower than those listed here.

While the self-pay pricing information posted on this site is a good faith estimate of prices, UCHealth cannot guarantee the accuracy of these prices. Prices are based on modeling of a range of patient visits and do not account for any unforeseen complications, additional tests or procedures, medical provider bills, and non-hospital related charges, any of which may increase the ultimate cost of the services provided. Any prospective patient should understand that a final bill or bills for services rendered may differ substantially from the information provided by this website, and UCHealth shall not be liable for any pricing disparities. All pricing is facility-specific and not transferrable to other facilities.