Riding your bike to work has many benefits

Riding your bike to work can help you lose weight and reduce heart failure risks.
May 16, 2024
bike riders in the city
Source: Getty Images.

There are many benefits to riding your bike to work, from keeping your body and your pocketbook healthy to saving the environment and promoting safe-cycling community infrastructure. It also can be fun, simplify life and provide a sense of freedom.

The average bike commuter loses 13 pounds their first year, according to the League of American Bicyclists. And for women, a 30-minute daily commute can cut heart failure risks in half and lower the rate for breast cancer.

But despite the benefits, only 17% of Colorado residents use a bicycle for transportation, including riding it to and from work, for errands, to school or social and leisure activities, according to the 2016 Economic and Health Benefits of Bicycling and Walking report.

Colorado Bike to Work Day

In Colorado, June is Bike Month, and June 26, 2024, is Bike to Work Day.

During this time, Colorado joins a nationwide effort to encourage cyclists to enjoy the freedom and fun of safely biking to work, school, errands and recreation. Although events take place throughout the month, on Bike to Work Day, local groups, organizations and business set up stations along safe bike routes – giving away coffee, breakfast and swag – to those heading out on the bicycles.

UCHealth is no different. You can find UCHealth activities and others on the state’s website.

Vehicular cycling: Safety in numbers

women with bike helmet in the city
Source: Getty Images.

Cyclists fare best when they act as though they are drivers of vehicles and, thus, are treated as such.

Some people are afraid to commute because they’re afraid to ride in the road, but you can look up a route that takes quiet streets or streets with bike lanes, even if it’s not the most direct route and take the plunge. Bike to Work Day (June 26) is coming up, so it’s a good opportunity to ride on a day when there will be a lot of extra riders out and support stations along the way.

Legally, bicyclists must follow the same rules as motor vehicle drivers. When that does not happen, accidents do. Almost 40% of bike crashes involve a bicyclist who is riding against traffic and conflicting with cross-street vehicles.

For safety, bicyclists should:

  • Use designated bike lanes, but when bike lanes are not available, or safe road conditions do not allow, take over the traffic lane and, use visible and audible directional signals.
  • Wear bright clothing, use bike lights and do not weave through parked vehicles. Instead, maintain your lane position. Be predictable for others on the roadway. Be assertive and confident but also alert and cautious, as if driving behind the wheel of a vehicle.

There is safety in numbers. Data shows there is an inverse relationship between the number of riders and accidents. Denmark and Netherlands bike the most miles per person per year and have the lowest fatality and accident rates. That’s because there is a respect for each other [between cyclists and drivers].

It’s a no-brainer

We can’t stress enough the importance of safety and respect between drivers and cyclists.

dad teaching kid how to ride a bike
Source: Getty Images.

In addition to following the rules of the road, a helmet is another must for riders.

Brain injury is the No. 1 cause of death and long-term disabilities for cyclists. And when a brain injury is the result of a crash, the person is 20 times more likely to die. Studies show that a helmet can reduce that risk of injury up to 88% — yet less than a third of riders wear one.

Many programs throughout Colorado provide helmets either for free or for a minimal donation, including Safe Kids.

No excuses

There are many options in bikes — from a road or mountain bike to the cruisers that New Belgium’s Fat Tire made so popular.

No matter which bike a rider chooses, it should be comfortable, functional and visible.

Get yourself a good solid U-lock so you don’t worry about your bike during the day and a helmet that’s comfortable enough — and let’s be honest, cute enough — that you’ll actually wear it.

A properly fitted bike is important for safety and health. A poor fit can cause injuries, as well as create dangerous issues caused by improper operation of the bicycle.man buckling child's bike helmet

Changes can be made to brakes, handlebars and the seat, and many bike shops will help adjust these things to fit your physical frame.

Before hopping on the bike, a bicyclist should do the ABC Quick Check:

  • Air: Are the tires properly inflated? Is there a portable bike pump and/or patch kit on board?
  • Brakes: Do they work?
  • Cranks, Chain, Cassette: Depending on the type of bike, make sure the “guts” are working properly and are well maintained.

On short rides, carry a helmet and bike lock. On longer rides, grab the patch and tool kit.

About the author

Kati Blocker has always been driven to learn and explore the world around her. And every day, as a writer for UCHealth, Kati meets inspiring people, learns about life-saving technology, and gets to know the amazing people who are saving lives each day. Even better, she gets to share their stories with the world.

As a journalism major at the University of Wyoming, Kati wrote for her college newspaper. She also studied abroad in Swansea, Wales, while simultaneously writing for a Colorado metaphysical newspaper.

After college, Kati was a reporter for the Montrose Daily Press and the Telluride Watch, covering education and health care in rural Colorado, as well as city news and business.

When she's not writing, Kati is creating her own stories with her husband Joel and their two young children.