Back, neck and spine care

Your spine is the main support system for your body. It’s a structural marvel, made up of individual bones (vertebrae), cartilage that connects the bones (facet joints) and spongy tissues that cushion the vertebrae (disks).

If you’re experiencing discomfort or pain in your back or neck, or have sustained an injury to your spine, trust your care to the experts at UCHealth. We provide a full range of spine care services and treatment options to help return you to the active life you love.

Comprehensive care with a conservative approach

UCHealth spine care specialists across the Front Range—in Fort Collins, Loveland, metro Denver and Colorado Springs—practice a conservative approach to back, neck and spine care that begins by exploring advanced nonsurgical treatments.

We bring together a diverse team of specialists to assess your situation and develop a personalized plan of care, from diagnosis to treatment to rehabilitation.

Should you require surgery, our doctors are skilled in the most advanced and proven techniques to help you reclaim as much function as possible.

Two women strolling and talking outside

Back, neck and spine conditions we treat

While spine disorders are relatively common, especially as you get older, problems in any part of the spine can cause pain and restrict your ability to move.

In some cases back pain resolves itself over time. But if you suffer chronic, severe or recurring pain, that’s your back telling you to consult a specialist at UCHealth.

Senior man stretching on running track hero

The latest news in Back, neck and spine care