UCHealth Trauma and Acute Care Surgery - Memorial Hospital North

Home Locations UCHealth Trauma and Acute Care Surgery - Memorial Hospital North

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Your team
Khurram Khan, MD
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Surgery - Robotic Surgery

Jared Clay, MD
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Julie Conyers, MD
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Patrick Burns, MD
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Surgery - Trauma and Acute Care

Jason Aminsharifi, MD
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Trauma and Acute Care Surgery

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If you require emergency medical attention, call 911.

A Level III Trauma Center.

UCHealth Memorial Hospital North (MHN) is designated by CDPHE as a Level III Trauma Center that is staffed 24 hours a day by board-certified trauma surgeons, sub-specialty physicians, specialty emergency-credentialed nurses and support staff who are committed to the care of injured patients. The facilities at MHN include a state-of-the-art Emergency Department and technologically advanced operating suites.

We provide emergency services that meet the needs of acutely ill patients of all ages. We offer experienced trauma response and continuum of care for a variety of conditions, including broken bones and fractures, ruptures and trauma. We put extra emphasis on patient safety and comfort.

Trauma can be a life-changing event, but with excellent care, we can help our patients move forward. We personalize a treatment plan for each of our patients, working with them, their family and the team of doctors who will take over their care.

Our services

As a Level III trauma center, we serve our local community through our ability to manage patients sustaining minor to moderate injury. Critically injured patients are transferred to tertiary trauma centers or other specialty centers such as a pediatric or burn center.

What we do

  • Assessment and stabilization.
  • Hospital admission or transfer, as appropriate.
  • Comprehensive, advanced radiology and lab diagnostics.
  • Trauma surgery, including neurosurgery capability.
  • Patient education and discharge planning.

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Call DocLine at 1-844-285-4555

UCHealth’s DocLine is staffed with registered nurses who are available 24/7 to assist and facilitate all phases of transfer and consultation, including physician-to-physician contact, registration, bed assignment, facilitation of patient transport, and RN-to-RN reporting.

Injury prevention and outreach

UCHealth demonstrates community health leadership by providing and participating in a broad range of local community health initiatives and programs. These programs and services are designed to help communities on their path to health.

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