UCHealth LifeLine

UCHealth LifeLine is your air and ground critical care transport system along the Front Range and beyond.

Call us at 844.867.4590

Who we are

LifeLine is the critical care transport arm of UCHealth EMS. LifeLine can transport your patients anytime, anywhere in the UCHealth system or to other facilities.

Our communication specialists work with you to coordinate dispatch and communication needs throughout each transport. We also work with communication centers in multiple states and keep accepting providers informed about your patient’s status.

Highly-trained medical response teams can quickly facilitate patient movement and tap in to air and ground assets staged across the state.

>> See LifeLine service description and coverage map

Request a PR event with LifeLine crew

To schedule your PR event, please email [email protected] to work with our staff.

All aircraft are operated by REACH Air Medical Services, certificate number FAR Part 135, JBZA819S.
Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems maintained by UCHealth LifeLine.
Ground operations provided by UCHealth EMS.
Find us on: Facebook | Instagram

Public Notice

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems will conduct an accreditation site visit of:

UCHealth LifeLine Critical Care Transport

On December 15 & 16 2022

The purpose of the site visit will be to evaluate the program’s compliance with nationally established medical transport standards. The site visit results will be used to determine whether, and the conditions under which accreditation should be awarded to the program.

CAMTS accreditation standards deal with issues of patient care and safety of the transport environment. Anyone believing that he or she has pertinent or valid information about such matters may request a public information interview with the CAMTS site surveyors at the time of the site visit. Information presented at the interview will be carefully evaluated for relevance to the accreditation process. Requests for public information interviews must be made in writing and sent to CAMTS no later than 10 business days before the site survey begins. The request should also indicate the nature of the information to be provided during the interview. Such request should be addressed to: [email protected]

The Commission will acknowledge such written requests in writing or by telephone and will inform the program of the request for an interview. The Commission will, in turn, notify the interviewee of the date, time and place of the meeting.

This notice is posted in accordance with CAMTS requirements and shall not be removed until the site visit is completed.

Date Posted: 11/14/2022

The latest news in UCHealth LifeLine