Mission Statement

UEXCEL is the Nursing Practice and Credentialing Model for UCHealth. UCHealth believes patient outcomes are improved when care is delivered by a professional nurse workforce that is highly skilled, motivated towards continued learning, committed to the mission and goals of the organization, and dedicated to furthering the profession of nursing. These professional attributes are enhanced by a practice environment that includes a strong practice model such as UEXCEL.

UEXCEL has as its mission to provide a system for clinical advancement that permits registered nurse career progression, while encouraging the nurse to remain in a clinical position delivering direct patient care. UCHealth registered nurses believe UEXCEL enhances professional autonomy and accountability, increases nurse expertise, and promotes professional development within the ethical framework of the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses. Each nurse is encouraged to pursue the highest level of career achievement desired.

UEXCEL strives to promote a professional registered nurse practice environment that is flexible and supportive of the career decisions of nurses, recognizes nurses’ individual talents, and encourages the development of these unique contributions. By providing uniform standards and criteria for practice across clinical services, the model promotes best nursing practices, supports contributions to practice, education, leadership, and research, and empowers professional practice to ensure high standards of excellent nursing care for patients.


  • To create an environment that promotes professionalism in nurse actions and attitudes toward peers, patients, and other disciplines
  • To define the expectations and levels of professional nurse practice from novice to expert, incorporating the four dimensions of Transformational Leadership; Exemplary Professional Practice; New Knowledge, Innovations and Outcomes; and Structural Empowerment
  • To provide a framework for credentialing and evaluating professional registered nurses, integrated with UCHealth’s Human Resources Performance Management Program
  • To provide a system for compensation and rewards commensurate with level of professional nursing practice
  • To provide opportunities for professional development and career advancement, to promote job satisfaction, to improve practice outcomes, and to enhance recruitment and retention of professional nurses at UCHealth

Find out more

>> Clinical stars lead a successful professional practice program

>> A Clinical Advancement Program: Evaluating 10 Years of Progressive Change