Grief & bereavement support groups
The Denver Hospice
501 Cherry Street, Suite 700
Denver, CO 80246
- A variety of support groups to bereaved adults (Newly Bereaved, Grieving our Parents, Younger Bereaved Spouses & Partners, Men’s Grief Group) are open to the public
- Footprints program designed specifically for adolescents and children
- Day and evening times/groups available
- Monthly bereavement education programs open to adults
Heartlight Center Bereavement Education and Support Groups
11150 E. Dartmouth Avenue
Denver, CO 80014
- Provide affordable grief support and education for adults experiencing pain
and sorrow following the death of a loved one - Bereavement services not affiliated with a hospice agency
- A variety of adult groups available days and evenings
- Starfish program designed for children and adolescents
Support groups A – L
Angel Eyes
425 S. Cherry Street, Suite 560
Offers compassionate and professional bereavement counseling and support services at no charge to families, caregivers and others who are impacted by the sudden, unexpected death of an infant or toddler.
Bereavement Support Group for Men (widowers)
Longmont Senior Center
910 Longs Peak Avenue
Longmont, CO 80501
- Support group for men who have lost spouses. Group meets twice a month at the Longmont Senior Center. Periodically have dinner together at a local restaurant prior to meeting.
Care Ministry Mile Hi Church
9077 West Alameda Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80226
Bereavement support and workshops on several loss/grief topics.
Grief Support Group – Littleton
Littleton United Methodist Church
5894 S. Datura St., Littleton, CO
- Community grief support for adults
Heartlight Center
Provides grief support and education for individuals, families, and professional caregivers in the
area. Service is free.
Judi’s House
1741 Gaylord Street,
Facilitated support groups for children ages 3 to 18 who have experienced the death of a loved one.
- Different groups available to support children as well as families.
Support groups M – Z
Mt. Evans Hospice
3081 Bergen Peak Drive
Evergreen, CO 80439
- Variety of different support groups/education 3-4 per year for 8 weeks (drop-in group for bereaved spouses monthly; loss of a child support group monthly; new bereaved group; surviving the holidays – 2 groups (a.m./p.m.); children’s grief camp two weekends per summer CAMP COMFORT (ages 6-12))
- Will form groups on demand/need
- Provides caregivers series with education and Alzheimer’s support group
- Independent counseling x4 for no fee
Optum Hospice and Palliative Care
6455 S. Yosemite St., 6th floor
Englewood, CO 80111
Parents of Murdered Children
CenturyLink Building
52nd & Zuni, Denver, CO
- Support and grief groups for families and friends of those who have died by violence.
Society of Military Widows
Tru Community