Cardiac Testing - Man on treadmill hooked up to monitoring deviceCardiac Testing - Man on treadmill hooked up to monitoring deviceCardiac Testing - Woman on treadmill hooked up to monitoring device

Types of cardiac testing

Electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG)

Records the electrical activity of the heart, including the timing and duration of each electrical phase in your heartbeat. It helps us determine that a heart attack has occurred or is developing, and monitors any changes in rhythm. We offer adult, pediatric and signal-averaged ECGs.

Cardiac Testing EKG machine

Heart monitors: Holter event monitor, insertable cardiac monitor

Records the electrical activity of the heart during daily activities. This helps us determine the condition of your heart and the right treatments for your unique case. We offer a variety of home monitoring, including waterproof, patch-style monitors that are worn for between 72 hours and 30 days, and small monitors that can be placed under the skin for even longer monitoring.

Chest X-ray

Takes a picture of the heart, lungs and bones of the chest. This helps us determine if your heart is enlarged, or if fluid is accumulating in the lungs as a result of a heart attack.

Coronary calcium scan

coronary calcium scan, also referred to as a coronary artery calcium score (CAC), takes pictures of your heart using an X-ray technology called computerized tomography (CT). This imaging technology allows your doctor to detect and measure calcium-containing plaque in your arteries before it causes symptoms, leading to effective preventive treatments.

Echocardiogram (echo)

A hand-held device placed on your chest that uses high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to produce images of your heart’s size, structure and motion. This provides valuable information about the health of your heart, including the strength of the heart muscle and the function of the heart valves. We offer transthoracic adult and congenital echocardiography, plus transesophageal imaging.

Cardiac imaging tests

Includes CT, CAT, EBCT, PET, multidetector CT or MDCT, MRI and SPECT scans.

These noninvasive diagnostic imaging tests use computer-aided techniques to capture images of your heart. A computer creates three-dimensional (3D) images that can show blockages caused by calcium deposits you may have in your coronary arteries, aortic dissection, cardiac masses and pericardial disease.

Cardiac Testing - CAT scan

Stress tests

Includes exercise treadmill test, exercise bicycle test, chemical vasodilator test and dobutamine stress tests. A cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET), which measures an array of lung and heart functions, can be administered at different levels to identify what is causing shortness of breath and exercise intolerance. A CPET can use a treadmill or bicycle ergometer.

These tests provide valuable data to help us evaluate your heart health. We can monitor your heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, ECG (EKG) and how tired you become when exercising.

In addition to ECG data, many stress tests include additional imaging of the heart during stress. This can be done with echocardiography or measures of relative blood flow to the heart (myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI), multigated acquisition (MUGA) scan, radionuclide stress test and nuclear stress test, and positron emission tomography (PET).

This helps us:

Cardiac Testing Stress Test

Team treatment to help you

Our cardiac testing specialists will use the right tests to help diagnose your heart condition so we can create the right treatment plan for you.