
BstrongBfit is an eight-week program for 4th – 6th grade girls designed to promote health and wellness through running with an emphasis on self-esteem.

Interested schools attend coach’s training and Healthy Kids Club supplies all of the curriculum and materials. The program culminates with a free two-mile run.

Each year up to 20 schools host BstrongBfit programs.

Photo of Bstrong Bfit running event
Bstrong Bfit logo

For more information, please contact Kris Ayers, [email protected].

What do students, parents, and coaches say about BstrongBfit?

Feedback from coaches

  • I love how this program helps some of our more timid girls come to light. Seeing them form new friendships and building a sisterhood among themselves. (Coach P.)
  • The race was an impactful day! 2 of our parents signed up for the summer program and the girls absolutely loved it. Since the event, the girls have been talking about it at school and the positive culture it has created goes beyond the actual program. (Coach K.)
  • We had more girls sign up than we could take! There is a definite want and need at our school for this program. Our girls were so enthusiastic and love to run. (Coach S.)
Bstrong Bfit group posing

What students said about the program

  • Coach inspires me because he cares for me and helps me be my best. It helps me control my feelings. (Payton L.)
  • They helped me when something is hard – they said you can do this. Keep going! (Kimberly S.)
  • My coaches are supportive and help me achieve awesome things! (Merryn J.)

What parents said about their daughters’ participation

  • She LOVED it and has taken a real interest in running. She wants to join the track and cross-country team in Middle school. (Parent from Grandview)
  • She has looked forward to this since 3rd grade. She loved it and wants to continue running. (Parent from Ponderosa)
  • She likes to keep going and push herself to do better and be a team player. (Parent from Grandview)
  • She did not realize she was a good runner until she joined the program. (Parent from Coyote Ridge)