Types of surgery offered at UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center
- Breast
- Ear, Nose & Throat
- Endoscopy
- Gastrointestinal
- General
- Gynecological
- Joint replacement
- Minimally invasive
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopedic
- Pediatric
- Robotic
- Spine
- Urology
About your appointment
It is imperative that you follow specific pre-operative food and fluid instructions. Failure to follow these guidelines could result in the cancellation of your surgery.
- Adults may have absolutely no solid food after midnight the day prior to surgery. If your procedure is after 2 p.m., a Day Surgery nurse will provide specific instructions.
- You may have water only up to four hours before surgery; no other liquids.
- No chewing gum two hours before surgery.
Surgery day: what to expect
On the day of your surgery, come in the main entrance and check in at Admissions from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays (check in at Emergency entrance during other hours and on weekends). Once in the Day Surgery unit, nurses will provide immediate pre-operative preparation. Your nurses (Day Surgery and Operating Room) will review your vital statistics with you. These consist of two patient identifiers – name and date of birth, your consents, surgical site verification and correct operation.
Who will I see?
The anesthesiologist will visit with you and answer any questions you may have regarding your planned anesthesia. Also, your surgeon will review your planned surgery, answer any questions you may have and instruct your friend or family member as to where post-surgery discussion will occur. Then the surgical nurse and anesthesia provider will take you to the operating room.
What should I do the morning of and bring?
- Shower or bathe and brush your teeth, but do not apply eye makeup.
- Do not bring valuables or money, except payment arranged through our Business Office.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing that is easy to get on and off. Please do not wear watches or jewelry.
- Bring a complete list of medications you currently are taking, but leave medications at home. If you wear contact lenses, please bring your container.
- Your surgery time may be moved ahead. Be prepared to come early if we call you. Also, emergencies may cause delays in your scheduled operating time. Please be patient.
- A nurse will admit you and prepare you for surgery. You will be asked to sign necessary forms. A parent or guardian must sign for a minor (under age 18). You will meet with your physician and anesthesiologist prior to surgery.
- Bring your prescription insurance card, you can pick up your prescriptions up at the UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center Outpatient Pharmacy
- Please be on time to prevent delays
What about my family?
- Your friends and family members may wait in our lobby while you are in surgery.
- Only one visitor is allowed in the Day Surgery area.