UCHealth Radiology - Lone Tree (Building B)

Home Locations UCHealth Radiology - Lone Tree (Building B)

Before visiting someone,
please read our visitation policy to help with the planning of your visit.

Monday: 7am – 4pm
Tuesday: 7am – 4pm
Wednesday: 7am – 4pm
Thursday: 7am – 4pm
Friday: 7am – 4pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Your team
Radhika Acharya-Leon, DO
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Medical Oncology

Jennifer Goode, PA-C
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Marina Marvin, AGPCNP-BC, APRN, MSN
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Erica Pollack, MD
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Schedule your mammogram online

Did you know?

Patients can schedule their mammograms through the UCHealth app or My Health Connection (MHC), our patient portal.

Visit this page to log in to MHC, create an MHC account, or get the UCHealth app to schedule your appointment online.

Schedule an annual mammogram at the UCHealth Radiology – Lone Tree (Building B) by calling us at the number above. A doctor’s referral is not needed for an annual screening mammogram.

UCHealth Radiology – Lone Tree follows recommendations set by the American College of Radiology, the American Cancer Society and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology:

  • Beginning at age 40, all women should have a yearly screening mammogram.
  • Women who are considered high risk or who have a strong family history of breast cancer should discuss their screening schedule with a primary care physician. Additional or earlier screenings may be recommended.

Services we offer

  • Annual screening mammograms – 3D mammography
  • Diagnostic mammograms
  • Breast Ultrasound
  • Breast ultrasound guided biopsy
  • Savi Scout radar localization

3D Mammograms

3D Mammography: Our standard of care

Our clinic is one of the few places in Colorado to offer the new 3D mammography using Hologic Genius 3D Breast Tomosynthesis technology. This state-of-the art technology uses multiple low-dose images at multiple angles to produce a series of one millimeter slices that create a 3D reconstruction of the breast, providing increased visualization for the detection of breast cancer and greatly reducing the need for additional imaging.

3D mammography offers many advantages to traditional mammograms including:

  • 40% increase in early detection of invasive breast cancers; 35% increase in all other breast cancer detection.
  • 40% decrease in false-positives, reducing unnecessary call backs.

Your mammogram appointment

What to expect on appointment day
  • There will be preparation for your exam. You may eat, drink and take regular medications.
  • Some women with sensitive breasts may experience discomfort. If you haven’t started menopause, schedule your mammogram for the week after your menstrual period. Your breasts are usually less tender at that time.
  • Do not wear underarm deodorant, powders, ointments or creams on your breasts on the day of the exam. These can show up on the mammogram images.
  • You will be asked to undress from the waist up, so it is advisable to wear clothing that can be removed for your exam. You will be provided a gown to wear during the examination.
  • Please bring something to tie back long hair.
  • Always inform your doctor and the technologist if there is any possibility that you are pregnant.
  • Please share any breast symptoms or problems with the technologist performing the exam.

Follow-up care

We will notify you promptly if any follow-up care is needed.

Your results

Your results will be available to you online through My Health Connection.

As a patient, you can download our UCHealth app and go to the My Health Connection patient portal to view your results electronically as soon as they are ready.

In addition, the Breast Center will provide information either by phone or mail. We will notify you promptly if any follow-up care is needed.

  • Screening mammogram results will be available within 7-10 business days.
  • Diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound results are available the same day.

If you want your primary care physician to receive a copy of your results, please bring their name, address and phone number at the time of your appointment.

Download the UCHealth App today

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Please call our office to schedule your appointment.

Please provide all the following information at your scheduled appointment:

  • Insurance card
  • Photo ID
  • Referral (if needed)

To allow enough time to complete your check-in process, please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment.

We request a 24-hour advance notice if you cannot make it to your scheduled appointment.