A word from
your patients.

Who better to recognize the work you do to improve and save lives every day than the patients you have touched? From small gestures to making the difference between life and death, what you do is so important, and you make extraordinary possible.

See patients express their gratitude
in their own words.

Patient Gratitude Videos

We stand behind you and together we will overcome the virus

Hello! Thank you so much for everything that you have been doing during this unprecedented time. I am so thankful for you keeping people safe. I am a teacher in a public high school and I have just received my first covid vaccine from UC Health and I am so excited about it. My dad almost passed away from covid, it quickly turned into his lungs filling with fluid and then pneumonia. Due to him being able to stay in the hospital, his life was saved by healthcare workers. I am grateful for everything you all do to help save lives. I know that this is just a message on a computer, but I want you to know how truly thankful I am an aware of the risk you have been putting yourself at just to take care of others. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I wish there was more I could do to continuously show our love and support of healthcare workers from a teacher's standpoint. We would not be where we are today without you all. Keep doing what you are doing! From a teacher. <3
- C
Thank you for all of your efforts over the last year. You have had to put in a lot of work to serve the community and react and deal with multiple challenges. Thank you for your positive can do attitude no matter what was thrown your way!
- L
Dear Health Care Workers,

This will obviously go down in history as a very unique year! I have always had immense respect for what you do, but now I see you as what you truly are. HEROES! Your being on the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic has been an incredible contribution to humanity. I know some health care workers personally, and I pray for them every day! Thanks to all of you for being strong, brave, courageous, and giving your all to help those in need.

Bless you all!

- B
I appreciate beyond words your work and dedication through incredibly challenging and turbulent times. Your dedication to your patients and our larger community is humbling.
- K
Dear healthcare worker,
Thank you for your commitment to helping the people in our community during the pandemic. I know you are tired. You have worked long days/nights. You have seen the worst. We in the community are grateful and indebted to you. Thank you. Keep on keepin on. This too shall pass.

In support and strength,
A fellow tired teacher and mom
- B
Dear Superheros (known as UCHealth workers),

I want to specifically thank the Urgent Care workers who helped me laugh through my multiple visits over this year. I often find that laughter truly is another form of medicine that helps me heal faster, and each time, they had a way to break me into giggles and a smile even while confronting health issues.
- L
Thank you for your commitment, strength, compassion and support of our community. I can only imagine the hard things you have had to be part of this last year! Make sure you also take care of yourself and loved ones as well!
- C
Thank you so much for all of your work over the last year! Our community is a better place because of you and the work you do, and this year has not changed that, but it has certainly highlighted it. As an educator, I often feel like I am having to think on my feet and problem solve to do what's best for the people around me, but you do that times 10 and to make people healthy and save lives, and so I am so in awe of your courage, your strength, and your dedication to making this world truly a better place. Thank you!!!
- C
I would like to thank you for the amazing dedication. kindness, and hardwork you put forth every day. This past year has been beyond what we could have imagined and you have risen to the struggles with your passion for healing, compassion for others and dedication to helping. Thank you for being a beacon of strength and hope to so many and not giving up. Thank you for showing others we can survive hard times and do with grace and kindness. Thank you for being there for so many!
- K
Thank you so much for my COVID vaccine! I will not only be able to safely return to my job as a high school teacher, but it was the most professional and painless injection I have EVER received!
I also had a scare with being COVID symptomatic, and I visited a drive through location. I was made to feel very safe and comfortable as I had my brain tickled by that absurdly long swab. Thank you for the risks you take every day to keep us safe and healthy!
- B
Thank you for ALL you have done and continue to do each and every day to care for all those in our community! The stress that this pandemic has placed on healthcare workers does not go unnoticed! You are all heroes and angels in disguise! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
- I
I am so grateful for your dedication and courage to work in healthcare in the last 12 months. You are a vital part of ending this pandemic. Thank you!!
- L
Thank you for being there for so many who would have died otherwise. Even those who don't respect what you do, I thank you for everything you do.
- M
Just a quick note to say thank you for your service! I can't imagine what you had had to endure the past year and all that you've learned about yourself and our health care systems. I know it hasn't been easy, but you are truly a hero and so appreicatated!!
- J
Thank you so much for all of your brave work this year! Thank you for being in the trenches... for showing unconditional love... for persevering. You truly show what it means to love your neighbor without bias or reservation. Our community salutes you!
- L
As a high school administrator, I truly appreciate all you and your teams are doing to ensure the safety of our staff and students! You are INCREDIBLE! 🙂 THANK YOU!
- J
Thank you SO much for all you do and have done before and throughout this pandemic! Being someone who also works in a sometimes thankless job (teaching), I can relate to what you may be feeling during this pandemic. Just know that what you do matters and you are truly appreciated!
- V
I wanted to personally thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the medical profession. I know as a teacher that these are very difficult times and that each day going to work brings a lot of unknowns and that each day is not promised. Hug and love on those closest to you and know that we are all praying for our front-line workers.
- T

Thank you so much for all that you do. I imagine this time has been exhausting, stressful, ...all the things. Please know that you are appreciated and your contribution does not go unnoticed. You are incredible!
- D
Thank you for your courage and strength over the last year. You are the rocks of our society, and our family is grateful that you put the needs of others before yourself. Thank you for doing something I could never do, and doing it with care and compassion.
- A
Thank you so much! I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in November. Everyone that I was in contact with during all my pre-birth checkups and recovery checkups and her baby checkups were so welcoming and kind. Everyone followed protocols to keep me and her safe and healthy. My doctor and nurse spent time asking me about her older brother and my husband. I always felt like part of the family during every appointment. Thank you so much and I am looking forward to see all your smiling faces again soon. HOPEFULLY! 🙂
- K
Thank you for being willing to put yourselves on the line for the rest of us. We can't thank you enough for taking care of our community. We appreciate you all!!!
- M
To all of you on the "front lines" of this pandemic. Thank you for you bravery, hard-work, and patience as you've cared for our loved ones, encouraged the community, and brought hope via vaccinations. Thank you for all you do every day.
- K
Thank you so much for your selflessness. I know these days are crazy and probably not what you signed up for but your extraordinary effort is greatly appreciated!
- C
Thank you. It's not really enough, but thank you - for your time, personal sacrifice and commitment to our community.
- J
Thank you for your courage, compassion and strength throughout these past few months. You are amazing individuals! We appreciate all you do!!!
- M
Thank you for working through the exhaustion. I feel you. I see you. I appreciate you. You matter. It will get better.
- S
Thanks for being there for our community and helping everyone keep safe and healthy. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers
- C
Thank you for putting your own health and safety at risk for the health of our community! Your dedication to others has not gone unnoticed and is very appreciated.
- C
Thank you all for loving our people. Please know that you are loved and appreciated. You have risked your lives to help others.
- M
Keep up the good work! Praying for you and hoping this pandemic ends soon. Thanks for your day to day work and tireless work keeping our country healthy.
- M
Thank you for all your hard work during this time! I am glad we are all getting through this together! As a teacher we appreciate the vaccine rollout and how you all have been wonderful in helping with that!!!
- M
Feeling extra grateful for our health care workers here in northern Colorado! Thank you for everything you do!
- S
Thanks for your dedication and perseverance in these unprecedented times. You all are literally saving the world.
- R
My very best to all UCHealth folks, especially for the great job getting Covid-19 vaccines to so many.
- R
Thank you to our many healthcare workers who sacrifice so much for us. All of you are on the frontline as our heroes - we are incredibly grateful for each of you:)
- A
Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication during these difficult times. Your skill, time, and help during the pandemic is recognized and appreciated by so many. I will have you, your coworkers, and everyone's family members on my mind, hoping that we all have a happy, healthy, and safe 2021.
- E
Thank you so much for all of the hard work all of you have been doing behind the scenes during this difficult time. We all are so grateful for your perseverance and dedication to the health and safety of us all when everything seems so stressful. Sending so much appreciation for your work! Thank you so much!
- H
Thank you so much for your dedication towards keeping everyone safe and healthy! I am so grateful for your patience, persistence and kindness. 🙂
- J
Thank you so much for your time, courage, patience, and care during these hard times with the COVID-19 pandemic! As someone who has healthcare workers in my family, I truly understand the sacrifices you all take every single day to keep everyone safe and healthy! Thank you so much for all that you do!
- M
Thank you for your tireless efforts to make this country healthy. You guys are amazing!
- H
Dear Healthcare Worker,

I wanted to take the time to thank you for your commitment at UCHealth during this unprecedented time. I greatly appreciate your efforts to help keep your patients safe and healthy. Your presence on the frontlines has been essential to help curb the spread of the virus. I hope that during these next few months, things will slow down and you will be able to take care of yourself. But, in the meantime, I hope you know that we are all very grateful for your hard work and dedication to your patients.

- S
Thank you so much for all you have done and continue to do to keep us safe over the past year. We appreciate you and are so grateful for your dedication! Please stay safe and healthy!
- A
Thank you so much for all that you do! You're all amazing and I hope you are staying as safe and as healthy as you can.
- S
Dear uchealth staff,
Sincerest thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the community during these difficult times. We appreciate our healthcare heroes and applaud all that you do. Stay safe and know that we are thinking of you!
- A
Thank you for all that you do and for being on the front lines during a global pandemic. You are a true hero! I wish you all the best. Stay strong!
- E
Thank you so much for the work you're doing. You are truly our heroes and I am so grateful to have you in this world. You are making an incredible impact and I appreciate the work you do so so much. Stay safe!
- D
Thank you to all health care workers for your diligence, hard work, and dedication. I am so grateful for your compassion and commitment when we need you the most. I hope you are all staying safe and healthy!
- M
Thank you so much for doing the amazing work for everyone! Sending lots of love 🙂
- S
So grateful for all of your hard work and dedication! Stay safe and thank you so much!
- B