Giving patients and staff a break from reality through immersive virtual reality experiences. By working with various partners, we can enhance our patients’ treatment experiences and our nursing staff’s stress reduction. Our goals with VR include:
- Proving that VR can reduce stress for patients and nurses – perhaps better than other methods – and increase resiliency, even if only for a brief time.
- Validating the connection between VR and physiological improvement.
- Increasing nursing engagement and developing a protocol to enable high-stress nurses to regularly take breaks.
- Co-developing VR content for commercialization.
Outpatient Oncology Infusion
UCHealth has teamed up with Rendever to improve patient experiences during long, difficult treatments. The platform and overall VR experience was piloted with patients, caregivers and staff at outpatient oncology infusion clinics. The response to the distraction therapy was overwhelmingly positive, and six themes were discovered. As of spring 2018, VR has now been implemented as part of the outpatient oncology infusion program.
The experience:
- Give patients something to look forward to.
- Create an atmosphere where the concept of time disappeared.
- Is not just a distraction but an escape from their environment.
- Is also an escape from their illness – even if for a brief moment.
- Alter mood and, in some cases, reduce anxiety.
- Give patients the freedom to live their extraordinary lives.